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This book is based on the participant's experience of using partnership as a way to promote social innovation and change. The involved researcher have analysed these experiences together with the participants. An interactive research approach was used to make research with - not on - the people involved. The results are presented in 14 chapters. The one on "Partnerships for Sustainable Change: The...
A brochure (32 p.), published by the project mature@eu, may be downloaded here ordered in print version upon request sent to Maria Schwarz-Wö Additional information:
The LEMAIA Working Session was structured around the question: “What is good practice in e-learning 2008 in formal education?”The working session was a forum of exchange of good practices and valuable experiences made by the invited guests in the area of e-learning. The examples of application of e-learning in different contexts and areas of formal education were presented and discussed in an international...
Am 24. Jänner 2008 erschien im Standard ein Artikel über die Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices Ljubljana und Sofia, der unter folgendem Link abrufbar ist:
Ralf Klamma von der RWTH Aachen wird am Freitag, 25.01.2008, einen öffentlichen Gastvortrag zu folgendem Thema halten: Visualisierung von Sozialen Netzwerken (Soziale Netzwerkanalyse) in neuen Kommunikationsmedien wie z.B. Weblogs oder Wikis Ort: Sitzungzimmer SORAUhrzeit: 14:00-16:00 Uhr
Two new publications dealing with "migration and professional qualification" (and beyond) have been recently published with contributions from ZSI-expert August Gächter: Fassmann, H. (Ed.)(2007): 2. Österreichischer Migrations- und Integrationsbericht 2001-2006. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava Breinbauer, A. and Gächter, A. (2007): Die Nutzung der beruflichen Qualifikation von Migrantinnen und Migranten...
Call for Applications SozialMarie 2008.For the fourth time now creative and innovative social projects are being rewarded with the SozialMarie, with prizes totalling 42,000 €. Submissions are being accepted until 15 February 2008. More information, guidelines, and forms for application:
Die nach wie vor niedrige Beteiligungsrate von Frauen im SET-Bereich verlangt aus Chancengleichheits- und sozio-ökonomischen Überlegungen heraus nach einer Intensivierung and Extensivierung der Bemühungen zur Überwindung der hinlänglich beschriebenen strukturellen Barrieren. Gegenstand des Workshops ist die Frage, wie nationale Politiken einen Beitrag leisten können. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, ...
The Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour recently commissioned the Centre for Social Innovation to co-ordinate activities of the Territorial Employment Pacts in Austria. The co-ordination unit at the ZSI will now be in charge to support the "TEPs" until the end of 2013. For comprehensive information please go to
UNESCO BRESCE has recently published a publication on "Why Invest in Science in South Eastern Europe" within its "Science Policy Series", vol. 5. The publication includes contributions from Alasdair Reid, Slavo Radosevic, Henry Etzkowitz, Howard Alper, Walter Erdelen etc. as well as from ZSI-experts Elke Dall, Peter B. Mayr and Klaus Schuch. Dall, E.: Cooperation and Innovation Potentials of the Western...
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