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With more than 90 participants from 13 European countries, the PROLEARN Thematic Workshop on Social Software demonstrated the high topicality for Technology Enhanced Learning. In cooperation with the project iCamp the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture and the PRO-LC, the workshop took place on the 2nd of March 2007 in the historical rooms of the ministry at the Freyung ...
The ‘Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries’ has published country reports reviewing the situation of Science and Technology in the region.The reports are a compilation of main papers published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), the Southeast European Era-Net (SEE-ERA.NET), the Austrian ‘Gesellschaft zur...
The CSI is implementing the European Citizens´Consultations in Austria.For further information please refer to:
Beim mittlerweile dritten "Call for Proposals" der Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices (ASOs) Ljubljana und Sofia zur Forschungskooperation, Anbahnung und Netzwerkbildung mit Südosteuropa gab es insgesamt 20 Projekteinreichungen (Deadline für die Einreichungen war der 9. Februar 2007). Es beteiligten sich in den Projekten 74 wissenschaftliche Institutionen aus Österreich, Slowenien, Bulgarien...
12. Feb. 2007
elderly journal 01/2007
Lesen Sie die erste Ausgabe von elderly journal elektronisch oder bestellen Sie Ihr eigenes druckfrisches Exemplar per Email bei Auf 8 Seiten finden Sie aktuelle Informationen über die Aktivitäten innerhalb der Entwicklungspartnerschaft TEP_EQUAL_ELDERLY. Unsere Februar-Themen "Alt sein" am ArbeitsmarktBegegnung ...
Applications to participate in the competition among innovative social projects may be submitted until February 15, 2007. The award ceremony will take place in the ORF - RadioKulturhaus on May 1, 2007. More information:
Using Social Software for Technology Enhanced Learning The workshop is designed to serve as a forum for all research areas related to Social Software and its use in Technology Enhanced Learning. The meeting, which is the 4th thematic workshop of PROLEARN and organized in cooperation with the project iCamp the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and the PRO-LC, will provide unique networking...
Am 17. Januar startete der Lehrgang SOQUA für sozialwissenschaftliche Berufsqualifizierung. Insgesamt 44 Graduierte haben sich für die Teilnahme qualifiziert und werden eineinhalb Jahre lang in angewandter sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung geschult. Die TeilnehmerInnen wurden von einer Jury ausgewählt. Zur Eröffnung lud das Wissenschaftsministerium in den Audienzsaal. „Der Lehrgang SOQUA vermittelt...
The Third Forum Meeting, Improving cross-sector and multi-level collaboration will be held at the Hotel Penta - Renaissance in Vienna, Austria on 1 – 2 March 2007. Local partnerships operate in a vertical and horizontal matrix: at their best they are able to work across sectors and align regional, national and supranational policies to develop integrated approaches to tackling complex problems on ...
The Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office in Brno (ASO Brno) announces for the year 2007 a call for proposals for research co-operations. Each project partnership must include at least one research institution from Austria and the Czech Republic. Besides, at least one research institution from countries where the ASOs operates (Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia and Bulgaria), from Romania or from...
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