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Über 90 ExpertInnen aus Wissenschaft & Forschung und der Praxis folgten der gemeinsamen Einladung des ZSI und des waff (siehe und trugen zu einem regen Diskurs zum aktuellen Kenntnisstand...

The Center for Social Innovation has held a symposium titled "Fit für das digitale Zeitalter!" dealing with e-learning, media competence, media literacy and e-skills.Reports and presentations can be found at Please direct any further questions to [
ZSI celebrated its 15-year anniversary on Oct. 15, 2005, in the fashionable Hall E of the Vienna Museum‘s Quarter ("MuseumsQuartier", MQ). In the framework of the Vienna Science Days (Sep. 29 - Oct. 7, 2005) ZSI helped to organize a conference on Social research meets the city. The scientific programme of the day included a panel discussion in the evening on Social innovations in the city of tomorrow...
Drei gute Gründe für Unternehmen, die Generation 45+ besser zu integrieren: 1. In naher Zukunft wird die Mehrheit der ArbeitnehmerInnen aus der Generation 45+ bestehen. Wettbewerbsfähigkeit kann langfristig nur mit leistungsfähigen und motivierten MitarbeiterInnen dieser Generation gesichert werden. 2. Da die demographische Lücke durch Jüngere nicht mehr geschlossen werden kann, hängt der Erfolg ...
The webpage to the International Partnership Fair, the 2nd Meeting of the OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance is online: The International Partnership Fair will be held at Parkhotel Schönbrunn (Vienna, Austria) on 13 – 15 February 2006. Responsible for the implementation is the OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance and the Austrian Co-ordination...
Gesendet am 23. September 2005

Beitrag in Ö1 - "Dimensionen der Wissenschaft" Anlass: ÖGS-Kongress 05 "Den Stillstand bewegen. Praxis der Soziologie" (Wien 22.-23.9.2005) AutorInnen: Latcheva, R., Hochgerner, J., Schmitzer, Ulrike...

Lloyd deMause: The emotional life of nationsVortrag und Diskussion 30.9.05, 14-16h; ZSI, Linke Wienzeile 246, 1150 Wien Der amerikanische Psycho-Historiker Lloyd deMause ist aus Anlass der deutschsprachigen Publikation seines Buches "Das emotionale Leben der Nationen" im Verlag Drava (Klagenfurt) in Österreich.Verlagsinformation: Buchpräsentation: 28. 9. 2005 in Klagenfurt...
The OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance issued the online publication of the Annual Brochure "Forum_partnerships_2005". The online publication provides information on the framework and setting, the objectives, outputs and outcomes and the contacts of area-based partnerships. The aims of the Annual Brochure are to overview and present types of partnerships in the various OECD and non...
Eveb "young institutes" get older. However, the Centre for Social Innovation is only 15, an age that is to be celebrated!
A Joint PROLEARN and UNFOLD Initiative in Valkenburg (near Heerlen and Maastricht), The Netherlands on the 22nd and 23rd of September 2005. The organized workshop will provide an overview of current work in the field of IMS Learning Design. A number of presentations will be carried out on the following topics: Development of LD tools and architectures, eg, editors, content management systems, runtime...
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