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Virtuelles Abschlussevent des Interreg Central Europe-Projekts Social(i)Makers

Mit einem Online-Event unter dem Motto "Boosting change through social innovation" feierte das Interreg Central Europe-Projekt Social(i)Makers am 9.7.2020 seinen Projektabschluss. Nach den Begrüßungsworten...

21. Jul. 2020
How insane is this?
How insane is this?
Absurd sacrifice of the EU's research budget

“In a time when politicians and citizens look to science to find the miraculous solution to the COVID-19 crisis, the top leaders decide to cut the research budget – how insane is this?” says Marta Agostinho...

Policy brief by ZSI experts P. Brugner and K. Schuch landed!
Policy brief became included in the official Think Tank Review of the Council of the European Union

"More farsighted approaches, that forward the long-term goals for social, ecological and economic recovery after the crisis, and an improved information policy with stronger public relations will be necessary...

PRO-Ethics launches its project website
The PRO-Ethics team is proud to announce the launch of our project website. We are also preparing our first newsletter.

On our new PRO-Ethics website you can  get an overview of the PRO-Ethics project get to know our pilot cases download PRO-Ethics' core outputs find news ...

A European strategy for socio-economic recovery after COVID-19
Final version of the policy roadmap developed by now available, a social network for strategic analysis, invited ZSI to join for its latest strategy project aiming to develop a "European Strategy for Socio-Economic Recovery of Southeastern Europe after...

Beteiligungsworkshop zur gestaltung einer altersfreundlichen Stadt Feldbach
Am 7. Juli 2020 fan der erste von drei Beteiligungsworkshops der lokalen Aktionsgruppe des Projekts TAAFE statt

Eine seniorenfreundliche Stadt bedeutet eine lebenswerte Stadt für alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger.  Das gemeinsame Schaffen einer alters- und menschenfreundlichen Umwelt ist dabei zentral und bezieht...

Wissenschaftskommunikation: Wie beteiligen sich ForscherInnen und warum nicht?
Invitation to an online survey: TRESCA examines (dis)incentives for science communication

The European project TRESCA develops innovative quality concepts and communication strategies in order to (1) counter strategically spread misinformation, as well as inaccurate or unscientific information...

TRESCA: Coronavirus Response - Fighting Disinformation
Project contributed to #EUvsDisInfo initiative and #Factsmatter campaign!

The European Commission has been at the forefront of supporting research and innovation and coordinating European and global research efforts, including preparedness for pandemics. In addition to a number...

Präsentation des Forschungsprojektes beim IHS Symposium "Leben mit Corona"

Wie gestaltet sich das Leben mit Corona in Österreich? Das Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS) hat die Ergebnisse zahlreicher Projekte zur Beforschung der Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie auf die...

Revisiting EU-Latin American and Caribbean relations
The EULAC Focus project hast produced a collective volume on EU-LAC relations.

As part of the EULAC-Focus project, ZSI coordinated and conducted research on EU-LAC relations with a specific focus on their social dimension, their historic genesis, current state and future perspectives...

Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 2164

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