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S4D4C’s State-of-the-Art Report on Science Diplomacy
S4D4C's first report on the state-of-the-art in Science Diplomacy is out!

One of the goals of the early project work in S4D4C is to provide the conceptual grounds for the subsequent analyses of science diplomacy cases and governance. As one element of this, DZHW colleagues ...

Barbara Kieslinger (ZSI) and Sylvana Kroop (ZSI) were together with Sibylle Egger (Global 2000) on CAPTOR Tour 2018

CAPTOR Tour 2018 in Austria from ZSI on Vimeo. This summer, for the last time in this project, we are testing our ozone measuring devices CAPTOR and RAPTOR in our pilot regions in Spain, Italy ...

MEDIA RESPONSE 13. Aug. 2018
Interview: Project legacies
Interview: Project legacies
Latest 'spokes magazine' reports about legacy of projects

check the latest spokes magazine, which is all about legacies: an interview with Dr. Barbara Kieslinger from the ZSI gives some insights into how we are contributing to legacy with our co-creation ...

MEDIA RESPONSE 10. Aug. 2018
Auf dem Weg zu einer Bürgerunion?
Auf dem Weg zu einer Bürgerunion?
Europa stehe vor Veränderungen in seiner Politikgestaltung, kommentiert Philipp Brugner in der Zeitung "DiePresse"

Den kommenden Europawahlen im Mai 2019 kommt eine ganz besondere Bedeutung zu. Nicht nur wird sich zeigen, ob die aktuellen rechtspopulistischen Allianzen tatsächlich auch an Mehrheiten im Europaparlament...

ResInfra@DR Concluding Consultation Event: 24-25 October in Budapest
A save-the-date for the research infrastructure community in the Danube Region!

Project mission of ResInfra@DR is to improve framework conditions for research infrastructures and innovation in the Danube region. Work package 3 (WP3) of the project aims at contributing to improved...

Social Innovation Academy startet bald!
Spannendes Wissen über Soziale Innovation und Social Entrepreneurship

Die Social Innovation Academy bietet einen spannenden Onlinekurs und praxisorientierte Workshops rund um Soziale Innovation und Social Entrepreneurship.  Am 10. September 2018 startet der Onlinekurs...

EaP PLUS welcomes its new partner in Moldova
The EaP PLUS project’s partner 'CIP' becomes 'NARD'!

The EaP PLUS Modlovan project’s partner Centre for International Projects (CIP) is going through some changes and becomes the National Agency for Research and Development of Moldova (NARD) or 'Agenția...

ResInfra@DR project: Successfull call with high response rate!
355 experts responded to the Open Call for the registry of research infrastructure reviewers

In April, the ResInfra@DR project launched an Open Call for experienced evaluators who want to be included in a registry of research infrastructure (RI) reviewers. The registry will be used primarily ...

6th newsletter of ResInfra@DR project recently published
Learn more about project and opportunities in the context of RI in the Danube Region!

The Interreg - Danube Transnational Project “Facilitating macro-regional scope and link up to socio-economic actors of Research Infrastructure in the Danube Region” (ResInfra@DR) runs between the beginning...

Learn about the PLOTINA Monitoring Tool - it will support you in monitoring and evaluating your GEP’s progress

This monitoring tool  of Gender Equality Plans is based on 10 core indicators, and 40 specific indicators which can be selected according to your self-tailored GEP’ focus – the indicators...

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