University College Cork (Ireland)
Acronym: UCC
Ireland's premier research university, offering under-, and postgraduate studies to over 17,000 students, and attracting the highest peer-reviewed research income per head nationally. UCC is home to major research institutes and centres, including the Environmental Research Institute. The Coastal and Marine Research Centre (CMRC) and staff of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (BEES) are part of the Environmental Research Institute. The CMRC has been involved in Ocean Management initiatives since 1994 and is currently engaged in over 25 National and European marine focused projects including eight EU Framework projects and four INTERREG projects. The Centre is the Lead Partner on the large-scale INTERREG NWE project, IMCORE, Former Node Leader on the FP6 project, SPICOSA and is a Workpackage leader in several current FP7 projects, including COEXIST, GEOSEAS, NETMAR, MESMA and MARLISCO and it a partner on other projects including CORALFISH and KNOWSEAS. Within the CMRC the Groups that are of direct relevance to this particular project are: - the Governance Group, participant in numerous national and international projects aimed at improving understanding of the inter-relationships between government, market and civil society at a range of scales). The Group has extensive experience of organising and delivering workshops across Europe to a range of focused on integrated approaches to addressing local issues. - the Coastal Processes and Sea-bed Mapping Group, with research done through the use of remotely sensed and ground based methods. Coastal work includes monitoring coastal processes (e.g. beach erosion, sediment transport) using a range of instrumentation and advising on coastal management. In recent years the group has been active in training university students in seabed mapping techniques and analysis. Staff in the School of BEES cover a wide range of environmental disciplines and carry out both pure and applied research on all aspects of the freshwater and marine environments funded by national (e.g. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Environmental Protection Agency) and international initiatives and agencies (e.g. INTERREG, FP, ESF). River, lake and catchment studies are currently examining the impact of forestry activities on freshwater fisheries and biodiversity, approaches to fisheries management and conservation in eutrophic lakes, and the impact of invasive alien species in freshwater bodies (including genetic mapping of dispersion).
Western Road
- DANube macroregion: Capacity building and Excellence in River Systems (basin, delta and sea) (DANCERS)
- iNNO SED - iNNOvative SEDiment management in the Danube River Basin
- DANUBE4all - Restoration of the Danube river basin waters for ecosystems and people from mountains to coast