Núcleo de Gestão do Porto Digital (Brazil)
NGPD is a non-for-profit organization, recognized by the state government and the city hall as a Social Organization. Its mission is to promote competitive conditions for the creation, attraction and strengthening of innovative enterprises in information and communication technology and the creative economy, so as to contribute to the development and economy of the state of Pernambuco. In fifteen years, it has attracted about 250 companies to the park, which together sum up revenue of one billion dollars. In fulfilling its mission, NGPD has developed competences in projects development and management, mapping of funding opportunities, cooperation with federal, state and local government, academia and private entities. NGPD is responsible for implementing public policies focused on IT and creative economy, providing training and qualified infrastructure for entrepreneurs and young professionals. In fifteen years it has celebrated about 40 contracts with different public and private institutions, summing up more than 75 billion dollars.
Website: http://www.portodigital.org
Av. Cais do Apolo, 222 - Bairro do Recife - CEP 50030-230