Cooperation Partners

Organization for Small and Medium Enterprise Sector Development (Moldova)

ODIMM is a public body governed by law which operates in coordination with the Ministry of Economy having the aim to increase SMEs’ competitiveness

Acronym: ODIMM

ODIMM contributes to the country's sustainable economic development and creation of new jobs. ODIMM's mandate to support the development of SMEs covers a potentially enormous constituency of SMEs variously estimated at around 55,000 enterprises. Over the years, ODIMM worked together with private sector to address the challenges that entrepreneurs are facing, reaching more than 15000 entrepreneurs through its programmes. ODIMM has been administrating, evaluating and monitoring the entrepreneurs that use these funds based on the programs it carried out. Until now, within the two major financial instruments managed by ODIMM were sub granted 927 entrepreneurs with with a total amount of more than 6.5 million euros (Program for Attracting Remittances into the Economy PARE 1+1) and awarded a number of 242 credit guarantees that facilitated business loans in total amount of around 6.8 million euros (Credit Guarantee Fund).ODIMM created and maintains the Business Incubators Network composed of 11 Incubators, National Business Excellence Centre and is the national contact point of Enterprise Europe Network, offering internationalization services. ODIMM will contribute to the project impact by: -Sharing its competence and experience on sustaining entrepreneurial lifecycle as well good practice on stimulating honest entrepreneurs to re-start a business based on gained experience. -Providing support in developing new initiatives to sustain hones failed entrepreneurs and bring more experienced entrepreneurs back into local market thus contributing to growth and jobs. -Facilitating the creation of linkages between SMEs and Local Public Authorities to provide smart solutions and development of common strategies to support access to honest entrepreneurs to targeted instruments.


Serghei Lazo 48
2004 Chisinau


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