Cooperation Partners

NESsT Foundation Romania (Romania)

Sustainable social enterprises

Acronym: NESsT

NESsT is an international organization, which was established in 1997. Since then, it has developed sustainable social enterprises—from planning to scaling, using a multifaceted approach that includes: social capital - access to corporate professionals providing pro-bono consulting support; capacity support - business training to increase entrepreneurial and management skills; financial investments - seed capital in the form of grants and soft loans. NESsT has nurtured 22 social enterprises as part of its portfolio in Romania, providing them with an average of four years of support and investing over €1 million in capacity-building and direct funding. Nearly 1,700 marginalized individuals have attained employment or income opportunities and almost 20,000 have experienced an improved quality of life. Furthermore, NESsT has trained more than 2,300 people in social enterprise in Romania. Since 2007, when it entered Romania, NESsT has been at the forefront of social enterprise development, conducting research and documenting experience, developing methodologies and impact measurement tools, and raising awareness of the benefits and importance of social enterprise. NESsT leads and participates in international and regional events each year to promote the impact potential of social enterprises. We host an annual Social Enterprise Day which had three editions in Romania so far. Since 2007, NESsT Romania team has actively participated and shared their experience in over 50 events.


Gen. Ion Dragalina Boulevard, No.7, Ap. 14
300181 Timisoara
