Research Policy & Development


Research System Regulation in the EU Member States

ERA Framework Impact Assessment on Regulation of Research Systems

The output of this study constituted an important element of the baseline information, which the Commission drew on in the process of putting together the ex-ante impact assessment for the ERA (European Research Area) framework.

The project consisted of three main elements:

  1. An inventory of Member States' regulatory framework affecting the conduct and organisation of research and the research system, as well as of research policy and governance. The inventory included an overview of legislative and non-legislative measures – both existing and under development (e.g. administrative procedures, rules, etc.) of the Member States, which have an important structuring impact on the way research is regulated in the Member States. This primarily means measures which concern:
  • Individual researchers
  • Research Performing Organisations
  • Research Funding
  • Organisation and operation of research governance

with particular reference to the dimensions of ERA as listed below:

  • Skills and researchers (quality of doctoral training, attractive employment conditions, gender balance ...)
  • Cross-border operation of funding and research performing organisations
  • Infrastructure
  • Knowledge sharing and open acces (to publications and data from publicly funded research)
  • International S&T cooperation

This was complemented by a stock-taking of the prevailing official understanding or working notion of ERA in the different Member States.

2. Assessment and identification on the basis of the inventory:

  • The key differences and commonalities between Member States' regulatory frameworks. In order to do so, the contractor drew up typologies, as appropriate
  • The extent to which existing discrepancies between Member States' regulatory frameworks constitute barriers to the effective achievement of the ERA dimensions as identified in section 3.2.1. with particular reference to the ERA policy objectives
  • The impact of research regulation on research stakeholders including businesses

3. Recommendations on how national regulatory deficiencies / discrepancies might be overcome, so as to ensure a level playing field at EU level. The recommendations were illustrated with case studies covering the above mentioned topics (e.g. researchers, research performing organisations, research funding, etc.).


Section: Research Policy & Development

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Tags: European Research Area, impact, internationalisation, research policy

Type: Research

Project Status: Finished

Submission Date: 07/2012

Project Duration: 4 months

Start/End: 06/2011 - 09/2011