Research Policy & Development


Analysing and documenting Moldova's STI system

ERAWATCH was the European Commission's information platform on European national and regional research systems and policies. Its main objectives were to support policy-making in the research field in Europe and to contribute to the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA)

It was a long term initiative jointly carried out by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS), Directorate-General for Researchand Innovation (DG-RTD), and in close collaboration with the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry (DG-ENTR)

ERAWATCH served the information needs of decision-makers, policy analysts, and the wider research community. It presented up-to-date information and analysis on national, regional, and EU level R&D policies, actors, organisations, and programmes, and contributed to the realisation of the ERA by identifying policy options and improving the coordination of scientific and technological activities.  

The service covered 61 countries: 27 EU Member States, 13 countries associated with the European Union's Research Framework Programme, and 21 "third" countries.

ERAWATCH information was collected and presented with the support of the ERAWATCH Network of national experts.

Together with the Moldovan expert Dr. Gheorghe Cuciureanu of the National Council for Accreditation and Attestation (CNAA), ZSI was responsible for collecting information, analysing, and reporting on the R&D and innovation system of the Republic of Moldova.


Section: Research Policy & Development

Funding institutions and customers:


Tags: European Research Area, innovation systems analysis, Moldova, research policy, STI system

Type: Research

Project Status: Finished

Project Duration: 41 months

Start/End: 08/2010 - 12/2013