Technology and Knowledge


Monitoring public opinion on Nanotechnology in Europe

The aim was to establish a science-technology-social media-based platform for nanotechnology outreach to support a transparent and continuous dialogue in Europe to continuously monitor and understand consumers' and citizens' opinion on nanotechnologies. A specific emphasis on life-long education was essential. For doing this, the platform aimed to use online media to upgrade outreach and bring out the differences in attitudes and opinions across Europe, analysing the state of the debate according to cultural and societal specificities. A new outreach-dialogue model should be developed, in order to assess the degree of outreach and responses to dialogue on nanotechnology, in view of incorporating them into coherent policy responses. Controversial issues should receive special attention. Hence, the following actions were undertaken:

(i)             develop and/or integrate reputable surveys of outreach status and public attitudes on nanotechnology;

(ii)            integrate and/or set up monitoring stations, networks and infrastructures on nano-dialogue to respond to specific needs (e.g. regulation, safety) expressed by stakeholders;

               (iii)             build-on an extensive tool resource base developed by previous EU FP6/7 projects.

The targeted audience of schools as well as general public were reached by different activities like street labs or specific actions for students and teachers.

So far, many activities have already taken place across Europe: Milano Aarhus Lithuania

The project reached high response to the discussion of Nanotechnology in Europe.

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Section: Technology and Knowledge



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Tags: education, nanotechnology, science communication

Type: Policy Advice

Program: FP 7 Nanosciences, Nanotechnolgies, Materials and new Production Technologies

Project Status: Finished

Submission Date: 06/2011

Project Duration: 30 months

Start/End: 05/2012 - 10/2014
