Research Policy & Development


Enhancing the Bilateral S&T Partnership with Ukraine

BILAT-UKR*AINA aimed to provide a framework to foster cooperation in Research, Technological Development, and Innovation(RTDI) between the European Union (EU) and Ukraine. BILAT-UKR*AINA was firmly based on existing cooperation of the main stakeholders, and built upon the results of previous projects funded under FP7 dealing with Ukraine, particularly BILAT-UKR (2008-2012).

The major objectives were:

  • Support of the institutional dialogue on Science and Technology (S&T) policy between the European Commission, the EU Member States (MS), Candidate Countries (CC), FP7 Associated Countries (AC) and Ukraine by providing analytical input and tailor-made support to the Joint S&T Cooperation Committee (JSTCC), ensuring practical follow-up (disseminating related roadmaps as well as carrying out pilot activities)
  • Promotion and facilitation of the cooperation in RTDI through concrete practical approaches and instruments:
    • Monitoring and analysing innovation and research cooperation expressed in co-publications, scientific and educational networks and in terms of joint projects including participation of EU researchers in Ukrainian S&T State Programmes
    • Facilitating the implementation of the joint EU-Ukraine STI Roadmap through pilot activities
    • Supporting participation in joint projects (FP7, HORIZON 2020, etc.)
    • Reaching out to the researcher community and interested parties and increasing awareness about the assets of RTDI cooperation with Ukraine


Section: Research Policy & Development


Related Articles:

Type: Networks

Program: European Commission, FP7, Capacities, International Cooperation

Project Status: Finished

Submission Date: 02/2012

Project Duration: 34 months

Start/End: 09/2012 - 06/2015
