Technology and Knowledge

CaMEO - Career Mobility of Europe's Older Workforce

Improving and extending the employability of older ICT workers in Europe through enhancing mobility

Greater labour mobility is of significant value the European community and both the economy and the individual workers can benefit from it. However, older workers are still displaying a lower level of mobility than their younger counterparts.

CaMEO aimed to re-define mobility by linking 3 distinct areas:

  • Geographical mobility is defined as the movement of labour from one place to another.
  • Job mobility is mobility within the same employer (e.g. career advancement); occupational mobility; and job mobility proper (change of employer).
  • Virtual mobility is access to virtual tools that can support geographic and job mobility, such as e-learning tools, collaborative working tools, tools supporting remote working, etc.

In order to develop a new strategy for mobility that was inclusive of ICT older workers, the aims and objectives of the project were:

  1. Improve the knowledge base for policy makers of attitudes to the mobility of older ICT workers among employers in the Public, Private and SME sectors.  
  2. Develop an e-Academy for older workers to improve engagement with ICT and benchmark and validate skills and experience against the EQF.
  3. Create a pan-European Strategic Advisory Group to ensure effective dissemination and valorisation of project results.


Section: Technology and Knowledge



Related Articles:

Tags: ageing society, demographic change, employment, lifelong learning, mobility, social innovation

Type: Research

Program: LLP, Networks

Project Status: Finished

Submission Date: 02/2013

Project Duration: 29 months

Start/End: 01/2014 - 05/2016

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