Technology and Knowledge

LIST - Leveraging the Digital & ICT Competences of senior women to extenuate the knowledge divide

Technology enhanced learning for older women

LIST aims to address women that for age, level of education or participation to economic life, lack sound digital competencies & skills necessary to benefit from the services of the ICT Society nowadays. LIST challenges the possibility to leverage the current ICT skills set through a new approach in learning absorption practices so to meet the future needs of the digital era approaching fast.
The relevance of ICT in everyday life is a concept largely shared, for the social, economic & the great civic implications it has. Public & private operators offer, at an escalating pace, new services via the web, social networks offering new opportunities for socializing & elearning, participation to democratic life through electronic tools/means & access to career opportunities. However, beside the so-called digital natives, there is still a high percentage of the EU population excluded from Information Society.
LIST project tackles this challenge by developing & testing pedagogical solutions & tools in an intergenerational learning environment. Concretely, after surveying in detail the target group's ICT knowledge needs, a curriculum will be developed, on basic digital competencies (ICT competencies & digital literacy). Trainers selected are specifically prepared to deliver proper didactic courses for disadvantaged users. Patterns to be developed are tested & adjusted according to lessons learnt. A final publication collects tools & methods devised, as a sort of guidelines for decision makers & other adult’s education providers.
As a result, the quality of ICT course for disadvantaged adults will be improved, the awareness of senior women on the importance of being digitally literate will increase, the intergenerational & gender gaps towards ICT diminishes & on a longer term, e-services spread more & economic performance, driven by technological innovation, is boosted.


Section: Technology and Knowledge



Related Articles:

Tags: ageing society, gender, lifelong learning, technology enhanced learning

Type: Research

Program: LLP, GRUNDTVIG Multilateral projects

Submission Date: 01/2013

Project Status: Finished

Start/End: 11/2013 - 12/2015

Project Duration: 26 months


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