Research Policy & Development


Analysis of national public research funding

Analysis of national public research funding, by theme and by type of allocation (Competitive project funding versus institutional block funding)

The study on the analysis of national Public Research Funding (PREF) aimed at collecting information on and providing an  analysis  of  national  public  research  funding,  by  theme  and  by  allocation  mode  (project  based  funding  versus institutional funding), including an overview of the evolution and current state of public research funding in European and selected non-European Countries. More specifically, the PREF study aimed: 

  • to collect quantitative data on the evolution of public research funding in the considered counties from the year 2000 to the last available year, including an estimation of the share of public R&D allocated on project basis (respectively through institutional funding). A measure of the level of competitiveness of institutional funding was also provided. 
  • to analyse in detail and break down public R&D funding in terms of S&T fields, Key Enabling Technologies, Societal Grand Challenges, beneficiary sector, and type of R&D (basic, applied, experimental development),  
  • to describe the funding allocation mechanisms, including flows to and from funding agencies and the criteria used for basing funding allocation decisions. 
  • to develop from these data analytical work addressing specific issues in public research policies, specifically concerning  the  characteristics  of  national  funding  profiles  and  the  analysis  of  funding  devoted  to  specific research teams. 

Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) was included as one of the subcontractors as part of the research team, and was responsible for data collection from Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia.

The PREF-Public Research Funding project was coordinated by the Institute for Research on Firms and Growth  (CERIS),  one  of  the  research  Institutes  of  the  National  Research  Council  of  Italy.


Section: Research Policy & Development


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Type: Research

Program: JRC Call for tenders (Tender Procedure no. JRC/BRU/2014/A.1/0001/OC)

Project Status: Finished

Project Duration: 25 months

Start/End: 01/2015 - 01/2017