Digital Fabrication and Maker Movement in Education
The eCraft2Learn project researched, designed, piloted, and validated a learning ecosystem for making computer-supported artefacts in both formal and informal learning contexts. The learning ecosystem was engineered through the mechanisms for personalised and adaptive learning in STEAM education for assisting the development of 21st century skills, and the appropriate digital fabrication tools and making technologies. The eCraft2Learn project seeked:
- to establish digital fabrication and making as 21st century learning activities in formal and informal educational contexts; and
- to encourage a paradigm shift in technology education from black box and silo products – avoiding pre-programmed and pre-fabricated solutions which appear as black boxes – to the white box paradigm,
- so that learners change roles from consumers of digital technology to designers and makers of transparent problem solving artefacts.
The eCraft2Learn project involves foundational research and component and system level design tested through user-driven pilots.
Vision: The learning ecosystem proposed in this project did enhance craft- and project-based pedagogies by taking advantage of existing and successfully implemented technical platforms such as Arduino and Raspberry Pi electronics, cloud- based 3D printer simulators, and learning materials generated by the maker community. Through the integration of the already present technologies and the deployment of suitable craft- and project-based pedagogies, we envision the solid emergence of the eCraft2Learn learning ecosystem suitable to foster learners’ 21st century skills and to shift the role of the teacher to that of a coach.
- Dr. Christian Voigt (project leader)
- Dr. Margit Hofer
- Sebastian Mair
- Dr. Johannes Simon
Section: Technology and Knowledge
- Arduino Verkstad AB
- European Lab for Educational Technology
- Evothings AB
- Mälardalen University
- Technopolis City of Athens
- Ultimaker
- University of Dundee
- University of Eastern Finland (Coordinator)
- University of Oxford
- University of Padova
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Tags: education, ICT, maker movement, makers, open innovation
Type: Research
Program: H2020
Project Status: Finished
Submission Date: 04/2016
Project Duration: 24 months
Start/End: 01/2017 - 12/2018