Danube-INCO.NET (extended)
Research and Innovation in the Danube Region benefits from optimal framework conditions, given the presence of well-known universities and a strong industrial SMEs tissue. The region is however still lagging behind its potential and relevant information as well as links related to research and innovation are still missing. All these factors are necessary to foster access to the required knowledge and resources in order to promote development and cooperation between science, industry, governments and civil society across all sectors.
In this context, and to meet this challenge, the Centre for Social Innovation provided high-quality information covering the latest RTD and innovation dynamics concerning the Danube Region. More specifically, through regular maintenance of the Danube-INCO.NET Platform and its dedicated Bulletin, ZSI's objective was to continue to contribute to the necessary conditions for deepening and enlarging knowledge and dialogue, cooperation and synergies between all stakeholders in the region.
After completion of the FP7 funded project "Advancing Research and Innovation in the Danube Region - Danube-INCO.NET" and incorporating information from projects such as DANCERS (focusing on environmental issues) as well as several projects funded under other programmes, the Danube-INCO.NET portal and related Newsletter Service were indeed kept active thanks to the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. Until September 2019 quarterly bulletins were produced and delivered while the portal was updated accordingly.
The Danube-INCO.NET newsletter reached more than 13,000 stakeholders engaged in the macro-regional development of the Danube Region. It was therefore the perfect channel to promote project results, events or initiatives towards the local research and innovation community.
To keep updated, you are kindly invited to visit the Danube-INCO.NET Platform.
To receive the quarterly Bulletin including News, events, Calls, Documents and other opportunities for your research carreer please subscribe here.
To contact us directly, please send us an email at: office@danube-inco.net.
Section: Research Policy & Development
Funding institutions and customers:
Related Articles:
- Project: Danube-INCO.NET
- News: Danube-INCO.NET project platform started
- Project: DANube macroregion: Capacity building and Excellence in River Systems (basin, delta and sea) (DANCERS)
- Event: Energy Networking4Innovation
- News: Der Streit um mehr Geld
Tags: Balkan, Danube Region, knowledge society
Type: Networks
Program: Funding by Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
Project Status: Finished
Project Duration: 25 months
Start/End: 09/2017 - 09/2019
Website: https://danube-inco.net/