ISF Support to the EU-Latin America and Caribbean Working group on research infrastructures
The overall objective of this service within the INT Service Facility (ISF, framework contract) was to support the EU-Latin America and the Caribbean Research Infrastructures Working Group, which was established in March 2017.
To further enhance the cooperation between the EU and LAC with regard to the issue of research infrastructures, a biregional working group on research Infrastructures was established with the objective to support the policy making in the RI dimension and to facilitate the use of multilateral initiatives of Research Infrastructures between both regions.
In the first bi-regional meeting of the RI WG, which took place in March 2018, the participants agreed on the next steps to be initiated by the working group. The objective of the present contract is to support the work of the RI WG with the organization of meetings, policy workshops and trainings and the practical exchange of experiences and thus to support the implementation of the Common Research Area in the pillar of research infrastructures.
ZSI was responsible for the quality management in this contract.
Section: Research Policy & Development
Related Articles:
Type: Policy Advice
Program: ISF
Project Status: Finished
Project Duration: 18 months
Start/End: 09/2018 - 02/2020