Research Policy & Development

Assessment of the Impact Innovation Programme

ZSI was tasked to assess whether or not the programme objectives could be achieved.

With the "Impact Innovation" program, FFG broke new ground in several ways:

  • Focusing on the development of innovative ideas and solutions through intensive interaction between all relevant actors (individuals, organizations benefiting from the solution, solution beneficiaries).
  • The program addresses innovations that are not necessarily research-based (this also corresponds to the extension of the concept of innovation according to Oslo Manual 2018 and the European Innovation Scoreboard 2018).
  • An important criterion for funding the program is the impact of the innovation on the largest possible groups of people (customers, users, etc.).
  • ”Impact Innovation" appeals to new applicants: just under 65% of applications were submitted by organizations that have never submitted applications to the FFG.

The program has three objectives:

  1. Broadening the innovation base through a broader understanding of innovation (in new areas without R&D and non-technical ones)
  2. Broadening access to FFG funding for actors who have not been addressed by FFG instruments so far
  3. More successful innovation projects through an early involvement of relevant actors, a structured and methodically guided approach along an innovation process, orientation towards problem solving and learning experiences on the problem in the course of project implementation.


Section: Research Policy & Development

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Type: Policy Advice

Project Status: Finished

Project Duration: 5 months

Start/End: 01/2019 - 05/2019