Research Policy & Development
Support to the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region in Austria
Within this project, ZSI
- Supported the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region in the field of science and research, in particular in the priority areas of research infrastructures, research management and science-industry cooperation with focus on bio economy.
- Promoted implementation of the “Beyond Europe” Strategy in the framework of the Austrian RTI Strategy
- Maintained and strengthened the connections to the most important scientific and public actors in the Danube Region with the aim of consolidating Austria´s leading role in the RTI-field in the region
ZSI, as the only partner, was responsible for the following tasks in particular:
- Project coordination
- Information search and information dissemination as well as strategic networking in the defined priority fields
- Maintenance and further development of the web-platform
- Production and dissemination of e-newsletter
- Mag. Dr. Klaus Schuch (project leader)
Section: Research Policy & Development
No partners added yet
Tags: bioeconomy, Danube Region, research cooperation, research infrastructures
Type: Networks
Program: BMWFW
Project Status: Finished
Project Duration: 29 months
Start/End: 05/2017 - 09/2019