Research Policy & Development


Pan-European twinning to re-establish world-level Neuroscience Centre in Kiev

Supporting the re-establishment of the Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology as an international centre for excellence in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience

NEUROTWIN - Pan-European twinning to re-establish world-level Neuroscience Centre in Kiev is a Horizon 2020-funded project under the Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation scheme. Widening under Horizon 2020 consists of three main actions, i.e. Teaming, Twinning and ERA Chairs.

NEUROTWIN is a twinning action aiming to re-establish the Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology (BIP) in Kiev, Ukraine as an international centre for excellence in cellular and molecular neuroscience. This goal is set against a sound background of the existing infrastructure, intellectual traditions and the highly educated manpower. That is the adherence to modern procedures and international research environment which all have to be strengthened to achieve the European dimension and to integrate the institute into European networks. The project consortium capitalises on the existing potential of international networking for excellence in cellular and molecular neuroscience research through knowledge transfer and exchange of best practice between BIP and leading institutions from the UK, Austria (ZSI - Centre for Social Innovation GmbH), Portugal, Sweden and Germany.

The specific objectives of NEUROTWIN target three key areas:

  1. Implementing modern research approaches to scientific excellence and innovation capacity of BIP via infrastructural changes
  2. Large scale knowledge transfer between partners
  3. Increasing competitiveness of the BIP researchers in fundraising from international grant bodies

NEUROTWIN helps to increase the scientific output of BIP and to improve its quality through continuous training of research staff in academic writing and through boosting the quality of post-graduate education. NEUROTWIN accelerates the communication with policy makers and relevant stakeholders in Ukraine advocating the importance of neuroscience and neurology research for the improvement of public health and biomedical education. NEUROTWIN steps up and stimulates the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in the field of cellular and molecular neuroscience, as well as strengthens the scientific collaboration and international standing of the partners involved.

ZSI is a partner in NEUROTWIN and leads the work packages 4 "Improving BIP funding and innovation capacity" and 5 "Communication/Dissemination/Exploitation". Amongst others, ZSI works on the following objectives in line with the overall goals of NEUROTWIN.

  1. Providing support for the establishment of a Project Grant Management (PGM) department at BIP and organisation of staff training visits from BIP's PGM department to other European institutions
  2. Providing support for the establishment of a Translational Research Office at BIP
  3. Organisation and hosting of proposal writing workshops for the project core consortium
  4. Supporting the project core consortium in increasing successful project grant applications under EU funds
  5. Management and execution of the project's communication, dissemination and exploitation


Section: Research Policy & Development


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Tags: capacity building, Eastern Partnership countries, health, Ukraine, widening

Type: Policy Advice

Program: H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-2020

Project Status: Finished

Submission Date: 11/2018

Project Duration: 37 months

Start/End: 08/2019 - 08/2022


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