Constructing Healthcare Environments through Responsible Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategies
The CHERRIES project supports Responsible, Research and Innovation (RRI) policy experiments in the healthcare sector in three European territories - in Murcia (ES), Örebro (SE) and the Republic of Cyprus (CY). These processes, their outcomes and the policy frameworks are mapped, monitored, evaluated and serve as evidence-base for revision of sectoral policies, strategies and innovation support instruments. Thereby, CHERRIES engage the territorial stakeholder ecosystems in participatory agenda setting, need articulation and institutional reflection processes. These serve as starting points for collective approaches with shared responsibilities aiming to create more open, inclusive and self-sustaining territorial research and innovation (R&I) ecosystems.
CHERRIES builds on the state’s changing role in the processes of knowledge creation, diffusion and learning as well as the exploitation of economically valuable knowledge in innovation actions. Rather than addressing market and system failures by supporting the capability and connectivity of and within innovation systems, the state is (again) increasingly seen as a major actor in shaping the directionality of innovation. Thus modern R&I policies are a multi-scalar endeavour in which supranational, national and subnational institutions are involved.
The CHERRIES experiments address opportunities and challenges that are associated with the role of demand at the crossroads of challenge-oriented, economy-enhancing, and sector-specific policy making within the healthcare sector. By addressing the SGC of health, demographic change and wellbeing, the CHERRIES project is placed right in the middle of a cross-cutting challenge and demand-side innovation policy.
ZSI is the Coordinator of the project and is responsible also for leading the work package on Co-creation of a responsible innovation policy mix.
- DI Stefan Philipp (project leader)
- Constanze Fetting, MSc
- Wolfgang Haider, BA MA
- Magª. Andrea Christiane Mayr
- Markus Otter, MSc
- M.A. Gorazd A. Weiss
Section: Research Policy & Development
- Aretaeio Hospital
- Cyprus Research & Innovation Center Ltd
- European Business and Innovation Centre Network
- European Business and Innovation Centre of Murcia
- Knowledge and Innovation SrlS
- Murcia Health Service
- Region of Murcia
- Region Örebro County
- The Actíva Foundation
- TICBioMed, Tecnologías de la Información de la Región de Murcia
- Universiteit Leiden
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Tags: health, regional development, responsible research, RRI, societal challenges
Type: Research
Program: H2020
Project Status: Finished
Submission Date: 04/2019
Project Duration: 36 months
Start/End: 01/2020 - 12/2022