Codesigning Citizen Social Science for Collective Action
The CoAct project is concerned with developing and testing open and participatory methodologies for Citizen Social Science to enable citizens and communities to co-shape structural decision making processes, and thus further developing the theoretical and methodological framework of Citizen Social Science. To this end, citizens sharing a social concern are engaged as competent co-researchers, who co-design and dynamically co-evaluate the research process in the context of three mission-oriented Actions and three Research Pilots in Barcelona, Vienna, Buenos Aires, as well as in Berlin and European Eastern countries.
In these contexts, CoAct investigates how citizen science strategies can be introduced into social research and how these strategies can improve already existing experimental and participatory methodologies in social sciences, and vice versa. With our approach to an open and participatory Citizen Social Science we propose new ways of conducting research to deliver demonstrable social impact and benefits to involved citizens, researchers, and society at large.
The eight core objectives of CoAct are to:
- Generate new groundbreaking and open scientific outcomes by means of Citizen Social Science.
- Engage vulnerable citizens and local civil society groups in R&I initiatives and to place them at the centre of the R&I cycle.
- Produce scientific evidence-informed reactions and thereby create new policies and to improve existing ones.
- Build a common and validated transdisciplinary Citizen Social Science methodological framework for a variety of end-users.
- Promote Open Science and scientific research integrity in methods and data.
- Create and validate a robust and inclusive R&I evaluation framework.
- Increase scientific literacy, skills, competences and public awareness regarding science.
- Disseminate CoAct results and build a global sustainable Citizen Social Science community of practice.
As part of an international consortium with nine partners in total, ZSI is involved in the design of a comparative framework and contributes to all project goals. Furthermore, ZSI is leading WP7 on Evaluation and Impact Assessment, developing a innovative new approach for co-evaluation. The ZSI is also responsible for the creation of a “White paper on co-evaluation of Citizen Social Science and R&I”, as well as a Policy Brief on “Opportunities and Challenges of Citizen Social Science”.
- Mag. Dr. Katja Mayer (project leader)
- Dr. Barbara Kieslinger
- Magª. Teresa Schäfer / Schaefer, (formerly known as Holocher-Ertl)
- Stefanie Schuerz, MA
- M.A. Gorazd A. Weiss
Section: Research Policy & Development
- Universitat de Barcelona (Coordinator)
- Fachhochschule Potsdam
- Federació Salut Mental Catalunya
- Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
- Global Innovation Gathering
- Open Knowledge Foundation
- Universidad Nacional de General San Martín
- Universität Wien
Related Articles:
- News: Kick-off of H2020 project CoAct
- Event: Citizen Science SDG Conference
- Event: European Citizen Science Association Conference 2020
- News: CoAct Call for Videos
- News: CfP Participatory Evaluation and Impact Assessment in Citizen Science
- News: Citizen Social Science Open Call
- Event: Participatory Evaluation in Citizen Science
- News: CoAct Final Event Week
- News: CoAct Abschlussausstellung
- News: ZSI / COACT workshop on Participatory Evaluation in Citzen Science in May 2021
- News: Citizen Social Science
- Event: Webinar: Co-shaping evaluation in Citizen Science?
- Publication: ‘Hard to reach’ or ‘easy to ignore’. Strategies and reflections on including co-researchers
- Publication: Participatory Evaluation and Impact Assessment in Citizen Science
- News: ZSI Team erringt 2. Platz beim Citizen Science Pubquiz
- Publication: CfP: Citizen Social Science: Active Citizenship Versus Data Commodification
- Publication: Citizen Social Science: New and Established Approaches to Participation in Social Research
- Publication: Evaluating Citizen Science
- Publication: Evaluation in Citizen Science: The Art of Tracing a Moving Target
- Publication: Policy Brief: Citizen Social Science: a promising approach for more participation in knowledge production and decision making
- Publication: Transformation messen und verstehen: partizipative Evaluationsansätze für Citizen Science
- News: Trust in Science and Democracy
- Publication: Informed Consent Procedure Requirements and Challenges
- Event: Opportunities and hurdles for an inclusive approach to Citizen Social Science
- Publication: Editorial: Participatory Evaluation and Impact Assessment in Citizen Science
- Publication: Participatory evaluation practices in citizen social science: Insights from three case studies
- Publication: Policy Report: Opportunities and Challenges of Citizen Social Science
- Event: Katja Mayer Keynote at ECSA Conference on "Participatory Turns: ...
Tags: citizen science, citizen social science, social sciences
Type: Research
Program: Horizon 2020 SwafS15
Project Status: Finished
Submission Date: 04/2019
Project Duration: 36 months
Start/End: 01/2020 - 12/2022