Research Policy & Development

BMK Human Potential Strategy

Development of a strategy for human potential in the areas of research, technology and innovation (RTI)

In accordance with the strategic objectives of the Austrian Federal Government, the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) has been implementing numerous activities to promote talent and young researchers for many years, with a focus on natural science and technology fields: The range of funding and services is aimed at inspiring enthusiasm for research, technology and innovation; finding and developing talent for research, technology and innovation; increasing competences, improving the mobility of researchers and strengthening research excellence in Austria. Targeted measures serve to increase the share of female researchers and to promote equal opportunities for women and men in research- and technology-intensive fields of the future.

Based on these activities and against the background of the RTI Strategy and the RTI Pact, the ZSI was commissioned to propose a BMK strategy for human potential in the fields of research, technology and innovation (RTI).

The following methods were used:

  • Desk Research,
  • Strategy and scenario development,
  • Theory of Change (TOC),
  • Group and individual interviews (10 interviews in total),
  • 2 focus groups,
  • 3 co-creation workshops

Both the focus groups and the co-creation workshops were initially planned as face-to-face events at various locations in Austria, but were then implemented using Zoom and the whiteboard tool miro due to the current COVID situation.


Section: Research Policy & Development

Funding institutions and customers:

Related Articles:

Type: Policy Advice

Project Status: Finished

Project Duration: 6 months

Start/End: 10/2020 - 03/2021