European SeniorWatch Observatory and Inventory
European SeniorWatch Observatory and Inventory - 'SENIORWATCH'. A market study about the specific IST needs of older and disabled people to guide industry, RTD and policy.
The progress towards the so called Information Society (IS) represents the most significant socio-economic change since the Industrial Revolution. At the same time, Europe is facing dramatic demographic change through the ageing of its population. Against this background, the Information Society is expected to affect all areas of social and economic life, particularly in the industrialised countries. With particular regard to older people the following challenges and opportunities can be mentioned here:
- The demographic challenge
- The care challenge
- The market opportunity
The SeniorWatch project is supervised by the unit for Information Society Technology (IST) applications for persons with special needs, including disabled and elderly persons. It has been designed as a market study about the specific ICT needs of older people (including older people with disabilities) to guide industry, RTD (research, technological development and demonstration) and policy. According to the project's work plan various empirical methods are being combined to arrive at an overall analysis of the market potential for the technologies in question. In this context country reports are to be produced for all European Member States plus Norway, the USA and Japan. This document contains a template to be applied in this context.
- Magª. Regina Haberfellner (project leader)
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
No partners added yet
Type: Research
Program: EU 5. RP - IST
Project Status: Finished
Project Duration: 6 months
Start/End: 08/2001 - 01/2002