Research Policy & Development


Regenerative Co-Creative Transformation HUBS

Transform food value-added chain in an food value in einen food ecosystem in Vienna and neighbouring communes

Nutrients and water can be recycled and fed back into the local urban agricultural economy: the project DIRECT HUBS is elaborating a concept for developing local innovation and transformation centres in cities that, co-designed by citizens, offer a platform for innovators to dynamically develop solutions in close cooperation within a commune. Together with urban and rural stakeholders of the food ecosystem, the goal is to design demand-oriented transformation processes.

Based on insights gained through these co-creation spaces, the project will generate knowledge and tools for the strategic city management to fill the gap in transforming linear waste streams into nutrient circles in the city region. The created centres will serve as a hub for resources, local value-added chains, and participation in cities, as well as opportunity space for innovation.

DIRECT HUBS is based on three key principles: circular, nature-based, and participatory - scalable on the urban and regional level and instrumental in enabling social change towards a circular economy.

DIRECT HUBS' vision is to change the role of cities in food systems. Its main results is a Concept for Transformation Centres in Vienna and guidelines for other communies and cities, based on a participatory process with key stakeholders.

DIRECT HUBS objectives:

  • Participatory development of a sustainable, circular, urban food system that is based on the Concept for Transformation Centres.
  • Refinement of the Concept for Transformation Centres.
  • Development of a technical, logistical, and participatory implementation model for replicating the developt solution (blueprint and guidelines for additional cities and regions).

The project is being coordinatored by alchemia-nova GmbH, based in Vienna. As consortium partner, the ZSI is responsible to contribute their expertise on participation and co-creation, as well as on developing an adequate evaluation framework.

Further project details:
Duration: 24 months
Call: Energy Transition 2050 of the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund
Topic: Priority 1: Urban food space: Fostering Sustainable Circles in Urban Food Systems (in German: Schwerpunkt 1: Ernährungsraum Stadt: Nachhaltige Kreisläufe rund um urbane Ernährungssysteme fördern)
Overall budget: ~ 132 k €

This project is being funded by the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund and implemented in the framework of the funding programme „Energy Transition 2050“.

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Section: Research Policy & Development

Related Articles:

Tags: circular economy, climate change, energy transition, evaluation, food science, participation, social innovation, urban development

Type: Research

Program: Klima- und Energiefonds (FFG)

Project Status: Finished

Submission Date: 08/2020

Project Duration: 24 months

Start/End: 03/2021 - 02/2023