Platform for a policy evaluation community for improved EU policies and better acknowledgment
The COST Action PROFEEDBACK fosters the networking of the policy evaluation community at EU level, raises awareness on the importance of evaluation policy research and aims to improve its impact on policy-making.
The Platform gathers researchers and professionals from various scientific fields and sectors to present and discuss evaluation theories, topics, tools and methods of policy evaluation.
Policy evaluation is a key tool in understanding, developing and modernising EU policies, thus there is a growing demand for EU-wide and high quality evaluation services. The main challenge is that currently there is no bottom-up platform for European researchers and professionals working in policy evaluation. They have limited possibilities to discuss common problems, assess country specific practices and share their knowledge in a mutually beneficial and effective way.
PROFEEDBACK tackles this challenge with an innovative, complex, cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary approach by:
- analysing the theoretical and methodological questions of evaluation policy research putting special focus on Cohesion Policy,
- enriching scientific research of policy evaluation and addressing new challenges,
- harmonizing fragmented approaches to set the research agenda and to get a common understanding,
- contributing to the capacity building of the policy evaluation community,
- involving national and EU policy-makers and the civil society to contribute to evidence-based policymaking,
- framing a Code of Conduct for the policy evaluation community.
- Mag. Dr. Klaus Schuch (project leader)
- Drin. Barbara Glinsner, MSc
Section: Institut
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Type: Research
Program: COST
Project Status: In progress
Project Duration: 48 months
Start/End: 10/2021 - 09/2025