Research Policy & Development

Priorities in Research and Development in Southeast Europe

Research project on national innovation systems in SEE

This research project carried out a state-of-the-art analysis of the national innovation systems of South-eastern European countries, with a special focus on their relations with Austria.
The focus was on the national innovation systems in transition in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia - incl. Kosovo/UNMIK (United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo)which were screened for the potential for research collaboration, technology development and economic cooperation.
The research project thus pursued the following goals:
a) Identification of strengths and weaknesses of the R&D (Research&Development) structure of the national innovation systems of South-eastern Europe
b) Networking with the actors of the Austrian innovation systems in order to enable a strategic orientation for bilateral and multilateral cooperation initiatives in research and development.

Impact: This scientific project was one of the foundations for numerous subsequent projects in and with Southeastern Europe that could coordinate or provide analytical input to the ZSI.


Section: Research Policy & Development


Type: Research

Project Status: Finished

Project Duration: 15 months

Start/End: 01/2005 - 03/2006