Research Policy & Development


ININ - Terms of Reference Framework for an INTAS Information Network

Support for the INTAS National Contact Point system

The project defined a decision basis for the establishment of National Contact Point (NCP) systems in the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (NIS).

NCP organisations were tasked to contribute

  • to improve awareness about European S&T policy and its international dimension,
  • to increase international contacts and collaborations with European RTD organisations,
  • to enhance knowledge transfer in research fields targeted by the 6th European Framework Programme for RTD (FP6),
  • to increase the participation of the NIS in FP6 projects and
  • to intensify RTD follow-up collaboration as a fringe result besides and beyound the initial FP6 project activity.

The project designed Terms of References

  • to conceptualise and outline an apporach to establishing the NIP Systems in the NIS,
  • to specify in detail actions required to implement the NIP Systems network according to an accompanying time-table and
  • to provide indicative budgetary estimates for the implementation of the proposed network.

Background: INTAS was an independent international association formed by the European Community, EU Member States and like minded countries which was liquidated from 2007 onwards. The objective of INTAS was to support the New Independent States, as they were called at the time (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan).

Impact: Based on contiuous political development, the countries addressed are increasingly participating in the Framework Programmes (e.g. by being associated to them) and ZSI was further engaged in several projects that supported NCPs, trained them, analysed their performance and in general helped the countries in the Eastern Partnership to integrate in the European Research Area.



Section: Research Policy & Development

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Type: Policy Advice

Program: INTAS

Project Status: Finished

Project Duration: 3 months

Start/End: 03/2003 - 05/2003
