Recognising Central and Eastern European Centres of RTD: Perspectives for the European Research Area (ERA)
RECORD aimed to identify Centres of Excellence in Central European Candidate Countries and Malta based upon a benchmarking system, which was both tailor-made and harmonised with European standards. As a thematic network, RECORD supported information exchange among experts from different European countries in course of workshops and conferences.
The first conference in Brighton was dedicated to methodological issues of benchmarking of innovation.
The second conference in Budapest payed attention to issues of the Candidate Countries' supply of RTD.
The third conference in Ljubljana emphasised important features of corporate demand for RTDI in Central and Eastern Europe.
The final conference on means of promoting on an European level Centres of Excellence located in the Candidate Countries was held in Vienna, and organised by ZSI.
Results: Next to this information exchange, RECORD delivered
(1) a Manual of Benchmarking Candidate Countries' Centres of Innovation
(2) a Map of Innovative Centres
(3) a Package of Recommendations
(4) a publication and dissemination of the network's results.
- Mag. Dr. Klaus Schuch (project leader)
- Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Josef Hochgerner (external Senior Advisor)
- Magª. Andrea Christiane Mayr
- Magª. Maria Schwarz-Woelzl
Section: Research Policy & Development
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Centre for Research in Innovation Management
- GKI Economic Research Co.
- Institute for Economic Research
- Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- Malta Council for Science and Technology
- Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information
- Warsaw School of Economics
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics; GKI Economic Research Co.; Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences; Irish Productivity Centre; Warsaw School of Economics; SARC; ...
Related Articles:
- Publication: The RECORD Experimental Map
- Publication: The RECORD Manual
- Publication: Supporting Record Centres of Excellence
- Publication: Policy Implications of RECORD Benchmarking
- News: Neues Buch des RECORD Netzwerkes
Tags: benchmarking, European Research Area, indicators, policy recommendations
Type: Networks
Program: STRATA (5th European Framework Programme for RTD)
Project Status: Finished
Project Duration: 26 months
Start/End: 01/2002 - 02/2004