Austrian-Russian Research and Science Cooperation
A report on the Austrian-Russian cooperation in education, science and research has been drafted in the frame of this project. Ongoing bilateral cooperation has been put in relation to cooperation in science and research at the EU level. On the basis of this analysis, recommendations have been formulated for further enhancing the cooperation in certain fields and with specific cooperation instruments. The report has been prepared for the Austrian Ministry for Science and Research.
Impact: Subsequently, the ZSI was able to carry out numerous projects and to produce several publications dealing with research and technology cooperation with Russia (with Austria as well as the EU), see linked articles below.
- Mag. Manfred Spiesberger (project leader)
Section: Research Policy & Development
No partners added yet
Type: Research
Project Status: Finished
Project Duration: 2 months
Start/End: 03/2008 - 04/2008