ESF CoNet Support
The ESF Cooperation Network of Managing Authorities was set up in March 2008 with the overall task to support the ESF management and especially the content and delivery of the operational programmes through exchange, mutual learning and common projects.
In September 2008 the partners to the ESF CoNet agreed to submit an application within the framework of call VP/2008/018 'Learning for Change' - Setting up learning networks under the ESF 2007-2013 issued by the European Commission.
ZSI was invited to assist in the drafting of the application, which was then submitted under the title "Social Inclusion and Age: Revising Social Inclusion Policies to strengthen Intergeneration Balance".
- Mag. Michael Förschner (project leader)
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
No partners added yet
Tags: inclusion, social inclusion
Type: Policy Advice
Program: ESF CoNet
Project Status: Finished
Project Duration: 3 months
Start/End: 10/2008 - 12/2008