Research Policy & Development


Evaluation of the research capacity and strategy for the Macedonian Chemistry and Food Science

The Institute of Chemistry at the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics of the University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje has been considered as a potential Centre of Excellence in FYR of Macedonia. Prof. Pejovnik (University of Ljubljana) and Dr. Klaus Schuch (Centre for Social Innovation, Austria) were the two subcontracted international experts who evaluated and assessed the performance of the Institute of Chemistry based on international standards.

The objectives of this project were:

  1. independent expert evaluation of the level of the overall research quality and capability (including management and research infrastructures) of the Institute of Chemistry, FSM, in collaboration with national experts/researchers using a standard methodology, which was further used for its establishment as a Centre of Excellence in research in chemistry. This was the first such evaluation in the country, and it promoted this kind of independent and objective expertise to other research entities, as well as to policy makers
  2. independent expert evaluation of the university-industry-government connections in the food sector in the country with emphasis on the research component. It was substantial for this country to its strategic orientation in food research, as well as for its visibility in the region and in Europe
  3. strategies based on a diverse group of stakeholders and defining action plans for improving the overall research capacities of the Institute of Chemistry, as well as for its positioning and more active involvement in research in various fields, especially in the food sector
  4. discussion of the action plans on several levels: at the Institute of Chemistry; with researchers in the food domain (Faculty of Agriculture and Food, Institute of Agriculture), stakeholders in the domain of scientific research and food policy (Ministry of Agriculture, Food Directorate) and the business community (SMEs)


Section: Research Policy & Development


Tags: Balkan, evaluation, food science

Type: Research

Program: FP7, Regional Potential (subcontract)

Project Status: Finished

Project Duration: 12 months

Start/End: 03/2009 - 02/2010

Website: http://www.chemistryfood.pmf.u ...