Research Policy & Development


Korean Scientific Cooperation Network with the European Research Area

Joint call development and support to RTDI cooperation between the EU and Korea

The Korean scientific cooperation network with the European Research Area (ERA) was a network of European ministries, funding organisations, S&T policy promoting, and Korea, represented by the Korean partner organisation, the Korea Foundation for International Cooperation of Science and Technology (KICOS).

KORANET was an ERA-NET scheme funded in FP7 aimed at improving the coherence and co-ordination of national research programmes, and facilitating the mutual opening of national R&D (Research & Development) programmes between the Member States of the EU and South Korea. The core of the project was the development of a new co-ordinated S&T (Science & Technology) funding scheme where the national programme owners agree to launch a pilot joint EU-Korean programme within a given scientific field or discipline.

The core objectives of the KORANET were:

  • To improve the information exchange between Korean and European research communities in order to better understand one anothers S&T landscapes and policies
  • To exchange best practices as regards the planning and implementation of S&T policies
  • To coordinate bilateral approaches of EU MS/AC and Korea
  • To specify areas of cooperation in priority research fields
  • To establish an appropriate instrumental framework for strategic cooperation
  • To learn from ongoing (thematic) ERA-NETs(good practice)
  • To develop a one-stop-agency for Korean S&T interests
  • To develop and implement a full concept for a joint funding scheme in a thematic area (still to be defined)
  • To increase Korean participation in the EU Research Framework Programme

As work package leader in this project the ZSI was responsible for the planning, design and implementation of a joint foresight-based framework to identify and elaborate the future core areas of S&T and competence network co-operation between the EU and South Korea. Based on the results of this foresight exercise a joint action plan and funding strategy, complementary to existing national and bilateral funding activities, has been developed. Furthermore, a EU-Korea Summer School was held in Vienna. Main results of the project are available in the publication: Korea and Europe. Meeting through Science.


우리는 비엔나, 한국 유럽 협력 오스트리아 활성화에 위치한 사회 과학 연구 기관입니다.


Section: Research Policy & Development


Related Articles:

Tags: Asia, European Research Area, internationalisation, scientific networks

Type: Networks

Program: FP7-INCO-2007-3

Project Status: Finished

Project Duration: 54 months

Start/End: 01/2009 - 06/2013
