Technology and Knowledge


Intelligent Learning Extended Organisation

The project focused on the development of intelligent technologies to support learning and knowledge-building (LKB) activities in Intelligent Learning Extended Organisation (IntelLEO).
An IntelLEO represents a community that emerges as a temporal integration of two or more different business and educational communities and organisational cultures (industrial, research and educational).
The objective is to explore how the responsiveness of the LKB environments in an IntelLEO, aiming to enhance motivation of learners, proactively encouraging them to take part in LKB activities, can be radically enhanced by advanced technology exploiting a synergy between services for

1. efficient management of collaborative LKB activities and access to and supply of shared content, and
2. harmonisation of individual and organisational objectives.

Note: "Gefördert aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung und der Europäischen Kommission"


Section: Technology and Knowledge


Tags: ICT, participatory design, technology enhanced learning

Type: Research

Program: FP7, ICT

Project Status: Finished

Project Duration: 39 months

Start/End: 02/2009 - 04/2012
