Information Office
The - Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries was launched by the European Commission and the Austrian Council Presidency in June 2006. This high level platform aimed at a) structuring the S&T (Science & Technology) policy dialogue between the EC, the member states, associated states, and Western Balkan Countries (WBC), and b) monitoring progress of the co-operation between the EU and the Western Balkan in the field of S&T and related foreign policies.
The Information Office implemented by the ZSI together with the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), assisted the Steering Platform in respect of establishment of a documentation service for its members consisting of a web-based content management system comprising S&T documents relevant for the policy dialogue, as well as a contact database, production of analytical support studies, and materials consisting of S&T Country Reports, thematic analytical studies on urgent issues which arose during the policy dialogue, and a synopsis between identified needs and available instrumental offers to identify spaces for improvement of the RTD (Research, Technology, Development) relations, delivery of a tailor-made communication service for the Steering Platform’s members and other interested parties in the form of an electronic eJournal, providing regular updates on the deliberations of the Steering Platform, relevant S&T issues, etc.
As a clearing house and one-stop contact point, the Information Office linked the Steering Platform to other projects and stakeholders and supported the exchange of information in all directions.
It also supported the S&T strategy development with analytical studies – which covered issues such as mobility, innovation infrastructures, and an analysis of the S&T systems of the region.
Impact: Most results from this project were taken up and work was continued in the project WBC-INCO.NET and, both coordinated by ZSI and funded by the European Commission and later WBC-RTI.INFO and then further in support to the Balkan region in the frame of the International Service facility.
- Magª. Elke Dall (project leader)
- Mag. Florian Gruber (on leave)
- Bakk. Maroš Kollár
- Magª. Martina Lindorfer
- Dipl.Ing. Jana Machacova
- Mag. Dr. Klaus Schuch
Section: Research Policy & Development
- Austrian Research Promotion Agency
- Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft GmbH
Tags: Balkan
Type: Research
Program: FP6-2002-INCO-COMulitlatRTD/SSA-5
Project Status: Finished
Submission Date: 09/2005
Project Duration: 24 months
Start/End: 05/2006 - 04/2008