Research Policy & Development

IncoNet EECA

S&T International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asia

Supporting scientific cooperation between the EU and associated countries and Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The partnership between the countries of the European Union and Eastern Europe/Central Asia (EECA) is of utmost importance for the political, economic, and social development of both regions. Linking the scientific potential and resources has in fact a huge impact on economic growth, social prosperity, and welfare, as well as on public stability.

The IncoNet EECA project addressed policy stakeholders from the EU/AC and EECA countries. The aim was to establish and sustain three dedicated S&T Policy Dialogue Platforms: one biregional EU/AC with all Eastern European and Central Asian countries, and two bilateral platforms for the respective dialogues of EU/AC with Russia and with Ukraine.
The existing policy framework for cooperation was hereby highlighted and improved. Special focus was the field of S&T to develop new opportunities and links between the scientific and research communities of the countries involved.

The activities of the project included all the necessary actions that initiate and sustain the policy dialogue, and aimed at:

  • An increased participation of researchers from EECA in FP7 through the organization of information days and brokerage events, the identification of barriers, the training, support and networking of NCPs/NIPs, the formulation of proposals for Specific International Cooperation Activities (SICAs) in the FP7 Themes, etc.
  • The analysis of key issues and the preparation of reports that feed the policy dialogue (improvement of S&T indicators, review of S&T cooperation patterns, mapping of outstanding research institutes, and review of national policies towards global challenges.

Moreover, a series of important dissemination activities provided the necessary visibility to the project, for both the scientific community and the policy makers and stakeholders.
Among these activities, we could mention:

  • The setting up of a Central Information Office continues to inform interested stakeholders from science, industries, and policy making about opportunities for an enhanced S&T cooperation and will foster active networking among the science communities and R&D oriented innovative industries in the MS, AC and the EECA partner countries.
  • The organization of EECA sessions in major European scientific conferences, as well as the organization of conferences and events at the highest political level that promote and consolidate the EU EECA S&T.

The activities have been continued in follow-up projects.


Section: Research Policy & Development


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Tags: Central Asia, Eastern Partnership countries, European Research Area, internationalisation, research cooperation, Russia, scientific networks, Ukraine

Type: Networks

Program: FP7 - Capacities - International Cooperation

Project Status: Finished

Project Duration: 54 months

Start/End: 01/2008 - 06/2012
