Projects Filter
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 11/2008 - 12/2009


Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Program: Forschungsschwerpunkt internationale Wirtschaft
Start/End: 04/2009 - 12/2009

Education and occupation with and without migration

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 09/2009 - 12/2009

Befragung der Kursteilnehmerinnen und Kursteilnehmer der Wiener Volkshochschulen

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 10/2009 - 11/2009

Integrationsmonitoring Wien: Integration messbar machen (Fortsetzung)

OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Networks
Program: OECD LEED Programme
Start/End: 11/2008 - 10/2009

OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Policy Advice
Program: OECD LEED Programme
Start/End: 01/2009 - 10/2009

European Social Fund: International Learning Models

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 04/2009 - 10/2009

Die Situation von MigrantInnen am Salzburger Arbeitsmarkt

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 06/2009 - 10/2009

Befragung von Betriebsrätinnen und Betriebsräten aus eingewanderten Familien

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Networks
Program: 6. Forschungsrahmenprogramm/ERA-NET
Start/End: 09/2004 - 08/2009

Networking of EU bilateral research programmes with South-Eastern Europe

Europäische Bürgerkonferenzen 2009
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Networks
Program: Europäische Kommission, "Debate Europe"
Start/End: 10/2008 - 08/2009

European Citizens´Consultation

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 05/2008 - 06/2009

SIMI - Soziale Innovationen eines Mittelbetriebs in der Industrie

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 04/2009 - 05/2009

Study in the framwork of EUROPE NOW

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Research
Program: Sixth Framework Programme (SSA)
Start/End: 01/2007 - 04/2009

Analysing and supporting EU-LAC cooperation in S&T

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 12/2007 - 04/2009

Befragung der SprachkursleitererInnen an Volkshochschulen in Österreich

Ressourcen im Risiko:dialog
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Networks
Start/End: 10/2008 - 04/2009

Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Networks
Program: eLearning
Start/End: 01/2007 - 03/2009


Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Research
Program: Study for EC DG Information Society and Media
Start/End: 03/2007 - 03/2009

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 01/2008 - 03/2009

Comprehensive Sectoral Analysis of Emerging Competences in the European Union

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Research
Start/End: 01/2008 - 02/2009

Evaluation of the CEEPUS mobility programme

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Networks
Program: 6th Framework Programme, IST/SSA - Area 2.6.5 "International Co-operation"
Start/End: 02/2007 - 01/2009

Supporting ICT cooperation with South East Europe

Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 694

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