
Social Scientific Articles

Contributions from young Kosovan researchers trained and mentored under the ESSIe project

Section: Research Policy & Development

The EU funded project "Enhancing Social Scientific Research in Kosovo and its Integration into the European Research Area" (ESSIe) published a book titled "Social Scientific Articles" containing contributions from young Kosovan researchers, who were mentored by colleagues from Austria during the ESSIe project duration:

  • Murati, V.: Socio-Economic rights as human rights: the role of international human rights treaties and mechanisms in progressive realization of these rights in Kosovo and Austria, pp. 7-79.
  • Baliqi, B.: Politics of identity and ethnic relations in Kosovo, pp. 81-103.
  • Kelmendi, K. & Baumgartner, F.: Intimate partner violence among male and female students in Kosovo, pp. 105-123.
  • Llullaku, N.: Comparison between gifted and regular pupils in Kosovo, pp. 125-144.
  • Peci, F. & Holzner, M.: Measruing the effects of trade liberalisation in Kosovo, pp. 145-163.
  • Hajrizi, B. L.: The role of creative industries on export and employment in small and medium enterprises - the case of Kosovo, pp. 165-185.

Citation: Hasnije, I; Sauer, B.; Schuch, K.,; Holtgreme, U.; Ogris, G.; and Bajrami, K. (2014): Social Scientific Articles. Pristina: Qendra per Arsim e Kosoves, ISBN 978-9951-434-20-1

Authors: Editors: Citation: Hasnije, I; Sauer, B.; Schuch, K.,; Holtgreme, U.; Ogris, G.; and Bajrami, K. Authors: Murati, V.; Baliqi, B.; Kelmendi, K. & Baumgartner, F.; Llullaku, N.; Peci...

Category: Bücher

Publication Date: 2014

Procurement: ZSI only