Mapping and Analysis of ICT-enabled Social Innovation initiatives promoting social investment in integrated approaches to the provision of social services
Section: Technology and Knowledge
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A social enterprise recruits homeless people to work as tourist guides and uses the web to raise awareness about homelessness. Another one supports welfare beneficiaries by training selected individuals living with long-term conditions to help others with similar needs through a dedicated online platform. Governments have introduced telecare in health and social services or have developed intelligent systems for improving the prediction of demand and providing personalised services. These are real examples of how social innovation and digital technologies are supporting EU citizens and enhancing social services. According to the JRC's new study, the success of these initiatives relies on the catalytic effect of technology to unleash the potential of social innovation. The study was released on 17 May to coincide with the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, dedicated to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) entrepreneurship for social impact. This study is the result of a successful collaboration with the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. Findings also show that participation of the public sector at different levels and its capacity to create partnerships across sectors are instrumental in achieving profound changes in how services are provided. Neither private nor civil society organisations can achieve alone as much as they can when pooling resource together with mainstream public service providers. Overall, countries where the public sector plays a leading role tend to perform better in delivering positive outcomes.
Authors: Voigt , C., Misuraca G., Kucsera, C., Lipparini F., Voigt C., and Radescu R.,
Category: Projektberichte
Publication Date: 2016
Procurement: Online (download)