
Report on the S&T Policy Mix Peer Review (PMPR) Kyrgyzstan

Section: Research Policy & Development

This report presents the results of a Policy Mix Peer review of the Kyrgyz Research and Innovation (R&I) System. The R&I sector of the Kyrgyz Republic has experienced since the independence of the country a period of 25 years of stagnation and degradation. It has been operating in a survival mode and received only very limited state funding (0.1 - 0.2% of GDP). Only since 2015 serious attempts and steps towards reform have started to be implemented.

The review was implemented by a group of international experts headed by ZSI collaborator Manfred Spiesberger in 2015-16. The review report covers key dimensions of the S&T system: S&T strategy and governance, Public Research Organisations (PRO) and Higher Education Institutions (HEI), Financing of Research, Research Personnel, and Innovation and the Private Sector. The expert panel has suggested per each dimension a range of recommendations to improve the performance of the system.

Expert panel members & authors:

Manfred Spiesberger, Senior Scientist, Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI), Austria

Hendrik Meurs, Scientific Officer, International Bureau of BMBF at DLR (IB-DLR), Germany

Toivo Raim, Adviser, Ministry of Education and Research, Estonia

Zhumatay Salimov, Deputy Chairman, National Agency for Technological Development (NATD), Kazakhstan

Agni Spilioti, Director Policy Planning and Programming Directorate, General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT), Greece


Authors: Spiesberger, M., Hendrik Meurs, Toivo Raim, Zhumatay Salimov, Agni Spilioti


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Tags: Central Asia, peer reviews, policy analysis, research and innovation policy

Category: Projekt Outputs

Publication Date: 2016

Procurement: Online (download)