Twitter's tampered samples: Limitations of big data sampling in social media
Section: Research Policy & Development
Social networks are widely used as sources of data in computational social science studies, and so it is of particular importance to determine whether these datasets are bias-free. In EPJ Data Science, Jürgen Pfeffer, Katja Mayer and Fred Morstatter demonstrate how Twitter's sampling mechanism is prone to manipulation that could influence how researchers, journalists, marketeers and policy analysts interpret their data.
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Citation: Jürgen Pfeffer, Katja Mayer and Fred Morstatter (2018). Tampering with Twitter's Sample API. EPJ Data Science, 2018, 7:50,
Authors: Mayer, K., Jürgen Pfeffer, Katja Mayer and Fred Morstatter
Tags: big data
Category: Zeitschriften
Publication Date: 2018
Procurement: Online (download)