Publications Filter
Authors: Schuch, K., Gunnel Gustafsson, Patries Boekholt and Totti Könnölä.
Authors: Marschalek , i., Unterfrauner, E., Helene Schiffbänker, Elisabeth Frankus, Barbara Grimpe, Sandra Karner, Martina Lang, ilse Marschalek, Elisabeth Unterfrauner, Magdalena Wicher: für die RRI-Plattform
Authors: Lampert, D., Otter, M., Philipp, S., unterstützt von/supported by DEMIR, Utku
Digital Humanities in Austria
2020 Project report
Authors: Mayer, K.
Authors: Schuch, K., Jo Barraket, Taco Brandsen, Tim Draimin, Benoît Godin, Carlos Guaipatin, Lars Hulgård, Johanna Mair, Frank Moulaert, Frank Pot, Johan Schot, Judith Sutz… and many more
Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 913

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