Publications Filter
Authors: Gassler (on educational leave), H., Schuch, K., Sturn, D., Brigitte Ecker (Koordination, WPZ Research), Philipp Brunner (IWI), Tobias Dudenbostel (Technopolis), Gerald Gogola (WPZ Research), Ernst A. Hartmann (iit), Joachim Kaufmann (KMU Forschung Austria), Peter...
Authors: Haider, W., Lindorfer, M., Author(s): ANSION Juan CLEMENTE Isabel FERNÁNDEZ Silvia GRUBER Nicol HAIDER Wolfgang LINDORFER Martina MARICHAL Pablo TAYAR Violetta VARGAS Silvana
Authors: Schuch, K., Quaglio, J., Millar S., Pazour, M., Albrecht, V., Vondrak, T., Kwiek, M
Authors: Dall, E., (contributor). Author: Young, Mitchell (Charles University Prague) Contributors: Aukes, E.J. (UT), Dall, E. (ZSI), Elorza, A. (FECYT), Kuhlmann, S. (UT), Lacunza, I. (FECYT), McGrath, P. (TWAS), Melchor...
Authors: Gassler (on educational leave), H., Schuch, K., Sturn, D., Brigitte Ecker (Koordination, WPZ Research), Philipp Brunner (IWI), Tobias Dudenbostel (Technopolis), Gerald Gogola (WPZ Research), Ernst A. Hartmann (iit), Joachim Kaufmann (KMU Forschung Austria), Peter...
Authors: Schuch, K., Gunnel Gustafsson, Patries Boekholt and Totti Könnölä.
Authors: Marschalek , i., Unterfrauner, E., Helene Schiffbänker, Elisabeth Frankus, Barbara Grimpe, Sandra Karner, Martina Lang, ilse Marschalek, Elisabeth Unterfrauner, Magdalena Wicher: für die RRI-Plattform
Authors: Lampert, D., Otter, M., Philipp, S., unterstützt von/supported by DEMIR, Utku
Digital Humanities in Austria
2020 Project report
Authors: Mayer, K.
Authors: Schuch, K., Jo Barraket, Taco Brandsen, Tim Draimin, Benoît Godin, Carlos Guaipatin, Lars Hulgård, Johanna Mair, Frank Moulaert, Frank Pot, Johan Schot, Judith Sutz… and many more
Authors: Spiesberger, M., Florian Knecht, Silvia Carrieri
Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 909

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