Publications Filter
Authors: Schwarz-Woelzl, M., Popper, R.; Velasco, G.; Ravetz, J.; Amanatidou, E.; Damianova, Z.; Kozarev, V.
Authors: Schwarz-Woelzl, M., Wollner, M.
Authors: Ecker, B., Gruber, N., Haider, W., Holtgrewe, U.
Authors: Schwarz-Woelzl, M., Bjørn Bedsted (ed.), Kaisa Matschoss, Petteri Repo, Jürgen Schultze, Marina Berchem, Guillermo Velasco, Rafael Popper, Soizic Linford, Alba Avarello, Marta Pinto, Mattia Martini, Sarah Van Eynde, Anita...
Authors: Philipp, S., KLEIBRINK Alexander (JRC-IPTS) LAREDO Philippe (Université Paris Est Marne la Vallée (IFRIS))
Authors: Gassler (on educational leave), H., Nadja Bergmann und Helmut Gassler
Authors: Gassler (on educational leave), H., Nadja Bergmann, Edith Kugi-Mazza, Andrea Leitner, Elli Scambor, Margit Waid
Authors: de Oliveira, T., Aurélie Pachkoff-Singh (APRE) Contributors: Rama Swami Bansal (CSIR), Serena Borgna (APRE), Miriam de Angelis (APRE), Sweacha Garg (CSIR), Karolina Jurkiewicz (APRE), Kasturi Mandal (CSIR), Aurélie ...
Authors: de Oliveira, T., Mayer, F.
Authors: Spiesberger, M., Karel Haegeman, Manfred Spiesberger, Totti Könnölä
Authors: Ecker, B., Pëllumb Collaku, Marta Mackiewicz, Sandor Richter and Hermine Vidovic
Authors: de Oliveira, T.
Authors: Kirsten KOOP / Marie-Christine FOURNY / Pierre-Antoine LANDEL / Nicolas SENIL
Authors: Dobner, Susanne; Voigt, Christian and contributions from all project partners
Authors: de Oliveira, T., Granqvist, K., Kaisa Granqvist (ZSI), Teresa de Oliveira (ZSI), Sean Angiolillo (NISTADS), Kasturi Mandal (CSIR), Parthasarathi Banerjee (Goa Institute of Management)
Authors: Susanne Giesecke, AIT,Vienna
Authors: Christoph Kaletka & Bastian Pelka, Dortmund
Authors: Schuch, K., Hans Chang, Chair, Former Director-General of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences, Advisor on science policy Jelena Angelis, Deputy Director of Technopolis Group Baltics, expert on innovation...
Authors: Spiesberger, M., Hendrik Meurs, Toivo Raim, Zhumatay Salimov, Agni Spilioti
Authors: Schuch, K., Martin Baumgartner Josef Glößl Sabine Herlitschka Manfred Horvat Andrea Höglinger Katja Lamprecht (Support) André Martinuzzi Helga Nowotny Georg Panholzer Wolfgang Polt Martin Schmid (Rapporteur...
Authors: Degelsegger-Márquez, A., Granqvist, K., Kroop, S.
Authors: Spiesberger, M., Gheorghe Cuciureanu, Information Society Development Institute (IDSI), Chisinau, Moldova
Authors: Granqvist, K.
Authors: Spiesberger, M., Toivo Räim, Brigitte Weiss, Krzysztof Gulda, George Bonas, Daniel Funeriu, Francien Heijs
Authors: Ineke Malsch, Isabella Wagner, Maria Lima-Toivanen
Authors: Brugner, P., Feichtinger, J., Heidenwolf, C., Marinkovic, I., Philipp, S., Riedmann , K., Simon, J., Degelsegger-Márquez, A., Scheck, J.
Authors: Voigt , C., Misuraca G., Kucsera, C., Lipparini F., Voigt C., and Radescu R.,
Authors: Lindorfer, M., ALCUE NET partners DLR and MEC
Authors: Feichtinger, J., Jager, N.W.; Challies, E.; Kochskämper, E.; Newig, J.; Benson, D.; Blackstock, K.; Collins, K.; Ernst, A.; Evers, M.; Feichtinger, J.; Fritsch, O.; Gooch, G.; Grund, W.; Hedelin, B.; Hernández-Mora, N...
Authors: Degelsegger-Márquez, A., Svend Otto Remøe, Rudie Trienes
Open Digital Science
2016 Project Output
Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 909

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