Publications Filter
Authors: Brugner, P., George Bonas, Jörn Grünewald, Tigran Arzumanyan, Krisztina Dax, Béla Kardon, Svetlana Klessova, Zygmunt Krasinski, Olga Meerovskaya, Olga Zyrina (all EaP PLUS) and with contributions from Piotr Swiatek
Authors: Gassler (on educational leave), H., Mayer, K., Schuch, K., Sturn, D., Team of authors: Brigitte Ecker (Coordination, WPZ Research), Philipp Brunner (IWI), Stephanie Christmann-Budian (iit), Iris Fischl (Austrian Institute for SME Research), Helmut Gassler (ZSI), Gerald ...
Impact Re-Loaded
2019 Journal
Authors: Schuch, K., Thomas König and Helga Nowotny
Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 911

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