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» Tag: training
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2nd Transnational Exchange Meeting of TASK4ISI
Enhancing the innovation capacities of 200 entrepreneurs TASK4ISI held its 2nd transnational ISIHUB
26 - 28 May 2025
Digital Humanism Conference
Programm online
13. Mar. 2025
Smart Specialisation in EU Enlargement Countries
POLICY ANSWERS Webinar co-organised with EUSDR PA7
Poster abstract submissions for ACCTING final conference
Submit your 500-word abstract on topics related to “Empowering change: Building a fair and inclusive Green Deal”!
The Coordination Support Action “LUKE” officially started
Horizon Europe project “LUKE” starts: linking Ukraine to the ERA and supporting R&I cooperation
Advancing NEB and technological solutions in INHERIT social labs
INHERIT social labs advance New European Bauhaus values and tech solutions for sustainable cultural heritage renovation.
Zwischen Transparenz und Vorsicht
Zusammenarbeit der EU mit China
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Critical Making
Data Monetization, Interoperability, Trading & Exchange
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
Best-Practice-Recherche zu Demenz-Strategien und Maßnahmen
INGO Interview mit Stefan Philipp zu Innovation im Gesundheitswesen
Actor groups influencing and shaping sustainable microalgae value chains in Europe
Modelling behavioral change for analysing degrowth pathways in Integrated Assessment Models
Modelling behavioral change for analysing degrowth pathways in Integrated Assessment Models
ESSI and UNTANGLED webinar on AI, Industry 5.0 and social innovations
Join the WeLaR Open Virtual Expert Café on 30 November
Datasharing Benefits
Datasharing Benefits
Datasharing Benefits
Datasharing Benefits
European social partners’ approaches to Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Management
Developments in Algorithmic Management from an IR-perspective: EU-level. Updated Version April 2024
ZSI e-Newsletter
Gaming for Climate and Nature
Gaming for Climate and Nature
Gaming for Climate and Nature
Gaming for Climate and Nature
ZSI e-Newsletter
Circular Systemic Solutions: Plastic, Packaging, Biowaste, Water
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Tag: training
Webinarreihe Partizipative Forschung
Citizen Science training materials online
How to develop successful training formats and support Citizen Science projects?
Social(i)Makers: Boosting Change Through Social Innovation
Unique online training opportunity in science diplomacy now ready
Business support for young migrant entrepreneurs
Informationsveranstaltung zur Gründungsunterstützung für junge Migrant_innen
Socially innovating heritage and memories
Register for the Excellence-in-ReSTI Final Event and Award Ceremony
Excellence-in-ReSTI online questionnaire for ReSTI project professionals
SENSES - Online-Training ab sofort verfügbar
ZSI delivered last Social Innovation Training for Made in Danube
Practical workshop on the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument in Kyiv
ZSI launches knowledge discovery tool "Inspiratorium"
APA Science: " startete am Campus Eisenstadt"
INCOBRA: H2020 Proposal Writing training and final Consortium Meeting in Vienna
Soziale Innovation Gestalten: Gelungener Kick-Off der Social Innovation Academy
Meeting with two Speakers of the EaP PLUS Info Day & Workshop held in Armenia
Einladung zur Präsentation der in Eisenstadt: 2. Oktober 2018
SAVE-THE-DATE: Präsentation der “"
Social Innovation Academy startet bald!
INCOBRA: Horizon 2020 related events held in Belém and São Luis, Brazil
Final version of ResInfra@DR training materials available for download
Excellence-in-ReSTI: Pilot Training zu Projektmanagement für die Donauregion
Excellence-in-ReSTI Call for Applicants is open
Excellence-in-ReSTI project presents project management course in Belgrade
RI-LINKS2UA info day on proposal writing in Horizon 2020
ResInfra@DR - 1st Research Infrastructure Experts Training ongoing
Migration and Entrepreneurship
The Changing World of Work
GastforscherInnen aus dem Kosovo am ZSI
BILAT-UKR*AINA Summer School: 'European RTDI policies, instruments and participation possibilities'
APA Science: "Soziale Innovationen für Unternehmen"
Intensivtraining „Soziale Innovation“: Trainingstage mit ExpertInnen des ZSI
Wie „funktioniert“ soziale Innovation?
PEER: Kostenlose Web 2.0 Tools, adaptiert für die Zielgruppe 50plus
Next SoQua Specialist Seminar
Webinar on the Master of Arts in Social Innovation in March
Stepping up to the European School of Social Innovation
Covenant CapaCITY - Training platform for local governments launched today!
Training on Research Project Management in Albania
Scientists Meet Teachers: A Participatory Design Workshop
Training on "Storytelling, legal and ethical aspects in Citizen Science"
Training on "Internal and External Communication in Citizen Science"
Training on "Recruitment and Retention of Citizen Scientists"
Training on "The process of citizen science"
Science Diplomacy: S4D4C Interactive Webinar Series
S4D4C webinars on the European Science Diplomacy Online Course
S4D4C Science Diplomacy Workshop Vienna
S4D4C Science Diplomacy Workshop Trieste
RI-LINKS2UA project organises Horizon 2020 training in Kyiv
Horizon 2020 Training events in the Western Balkan Countries
Presentation of the
RI-LINKS2UA involved in Horizon 2020 info days on proposal writing in Lviv and Kyiv
EaP Panel on Research & Innovation 2016 annual event "Horizon 2020 NCPs training"
Public Employment Services: Symposium in London
RTDI evaluation training in Sofia
Interactive reflection trainings on RRI for multiple stakeholder groups
The Role of Facilitation in Technology-Enhanced Learning for Public Employment Services
Higher Education, Research and Applied Science in Kosovo
Excellence in research, social and technological innovation project management
Turkey in HORIZON 2020
Unternehmensentwicklung durch soziale Innovation
Train Nutrition Seriously