
Mag. Dr. Klaus Schuch

Section: Management including Cross-Project Activities

Function: Scientific Director and CEO


  • Phone: ++43-1-495 04 42 / 32
  • Fax: ++43-1-495 04 42 / 40
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Work and research focus:

Klaus SCHUCH, born 1963 in Vienna, is expert on techno-globalisation, research and innovation policies, and evaluation in research and technology policy. He works for ZSI (Centre for Social Innovation) since April 2001. At present he is scientific director and senior scientist at ZSI (Centre for Social Innovation), Austria. He has earned a PhD from the University of Vienna. 

Klaus is also managing director of the Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation and Austrian delegate to the European RTD Evaluation Network. He was member of the Scientific Committee of COST (2016-2019).

Klaus is and was engaged in a large number of national and international projects. From 2009 to 2012 he analysed the Austrian RTI policy and its implementation under ERAWATCH and from 2015-2019 he was national correspondent for RIO (EC's Research and Innovation Observatory). In 2007 he was scientific expert of the CREST Working Group on internationalisation in science and technology and in 2012 member of the external expert group of the European Commission to advice on the new European RTI-internationalisation strategy. In 2016/2017 he was delegated to the ERAC Working Group on Impact Measurement. Klaus is  advisor to several Austrian agencies and ministries dealing with development cooperation, research, innovation and technology.

From 2006 to 2019 Klaus lectured at the Department of Development Studies at the University of Vienna (topcis: “monitoring and evaluation” and "techno-globalisation"). From 2013 to 2016 he lectured “measuring innovation” at the Danube University Krems (Master for Social Innovation). In 2017 he was lecturing "evaluation" at the FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences. Previously he was teaching at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and at the University Linz. He is lecturer in several international summer schools and teaches ‘evaluation’ and ‘research and innovation policies’ in the postgraduate SOQUA-course addressing young social scientists.

He is chief editor of the “fteval journal for research and technology policy evaluation” and member of the editorial board of “Foresight and STI-Governance”.

His review activities include:

  • Scientific Committee of COST (2016-2019)
  • German Federal Ministry of Education and Science (‘Indicators for R&I programme’)
  • Peer Review of R&I systems within the Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility operated by the European Commission, DG RTD
  • Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research
  • Reviewer of the Research Services of the European Parliament
  • 2018 European Social Innovation Competition
  • National Research Foundation of the Arabic Emirates
  • Research Evaluation (Journal) (Oxford Academic)
  • Science and Public Policy (Journal) (Oxford University Press)
  • Regional Studies (Journal) (Taylor & Francis)
  • Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Springer)
  • fteval Journal for Resarch and Technology Policy Evaluation
  • MA Thesis (University of Vienna, Danube University)
  • Review of conference abstracts and papers sent to EU-SPRI


Running and completed projects:

Other Publications:

ORCID iD is 0000-0002-7603-4384

Research Gate

2018   Research and Innovation Observatory Country Report Austria 2017. DOI: 10.2760/208250, (together with G. Testa)

2018  Background Report: Specific Support to Georgia. DOI: 10.2777/200310 (together with Marine Chitashvili, Carolina Spaini, Paresa Markianidou, Asel Doranova)                      

2017   Research and Innovation Observatory Country Report Austria 2016. DOI: 10.2760/251693, (together with R. Gampfer and H. Hristov)

2017  Fostering Impact and Sustainable Collaboration in FP9 within a new Common Research, Technology and Innovation Policy (together with Martinuzzi, A., Polt, W., Weber, M. et al.)

2017 Evaluation of Research, Development and Innovation. In: Springer Encyclopaedia on Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200025-1 (together with J. Edler, E. Carayannis and D. Campbell)

2017 Techno-Globalization and Innovation. In: Springer Encyclopaedia on Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_336-2

2017 Peer Review of the Ukrainian Research and Innovation System, Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility. ISBN: 978-92-79-62755-2; DOI: 10.2777/095726 (together with H. Chang, C. Nauwelaers, T. Posselt, J. Angelis, M. Schlicht, A. Kiopa, P. Sinclair and László Szilágy)

2016 Thesis Paper for shaping the next (9th) European Framework Programme for RTD. Austrian FP9 Think Tank. Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (together with M. Baumgartner, J. Glößl, S. Herlitschka, M. Horvat, A. Höglinger, K. Lamprecht, A. Martinuzzi, H. Nowotny, G. Panholzer W. Polt, M. Schmid, M. Stampfer, B. Weiß and M. Weber).

2016 Background Report. Peer Review of the Ukrainian Research and Innovation System, Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility. ISBN: 978-92-79-59353-6; DOI: 10.2777/752728 (together with G. Weiss, K. Büsel and P. Brugner)

2016  Research and Innovation Observatory Report Austria. Country Report Austria 2015. ISBN: 978-92-79-57809-0; ISSN: 1831-9424; DOI: 10.2791/432438 (together with R. Gampfer)

2015 Ignorance, Parallel Worlds or Apathy? The Participation of Social Science and Humanities Organisations from EU-13 Countries across HORIZON 2020, MIRRIS Policy Brief, November 2015

2015 RRI in Österreich. Positionspapier ‚Verantwortungsbewusste Forschung und Innovation‘. Begriffsbestimmung, Herausforderungen, Handlungsempfehlungen . Gem. mit Nicole Föger, Karin Garber, Erich Grießler, Brigitte Gschmeidler, Silvia Hafellner, Wolfgang Polt, Falk Reckling, Helene Schiffbänker, Klaus Schuch, Matthias Weber, Katy Whitelegg, Doris Wolfslehner, Angela Wroblewski. Wien/Graz, 2015

2015  Stärkefelder im Innovationssystem: Wissenschaftliche Profilbildung und wirtschaftliche Synergien; AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 103 Jänner 2015 (gem. mit Karl-Heinz Leitner, Bernhard Dachs, Alexander Degelsegger, Brigitte Ecker, Helmut Gassler, Barbara Heller-Schuh, Josef Hochgerner, Jürgen Janger, Dietmar Lampert, Michael Peneder, Michael Ploder, Wolfgang Polt, Gerhard Streicher, Maximilan Unger, Fabian Unterlass, Georg Zahradnik)

2014 Bibliometric Case Studies as Complementary Method for S&T Programme Evaluations. fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, no 38, pp. 27-35 (together with I. Wagner and A. Degelsegger).

2014  Participation of the “new” EU Member States in the European Research Programmes – a long way to go. Foresight-Russia, 2014, vol. 8, No. 3                  

2014 RTDI Evaluation in South East Europe. In: Dall, E. and Marinkovic, I. (2014): R&D and Innovation in Western Balkans. Moving towards 2020. Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna, pp. 320-339 (together with Felix Gajdusek)

2013 Techno-Globalization and Innovation. In: Springer Encyclopaedia on Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

2013 Overview of EU-Russia R&D and Innovation Cooperation. ERA.NET RUS Scenario Validation - Foresight Background Paper, JRC Technical Reports (with Spiesberger, M. and Marinelli, E.)

2013 Research, Technology and Innovation Evaluation in Austria. Bridges, vol. 37, May 15, 2013

2012 'Enhancing science and technology cooperation between the EU and Eastern Europe as well as Central Asia: a critical reflection on the White Paper from a S&T policy perspective' (with Bonas, G. and Sonnenburg, J.). Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2012, 1:3.

2012 'INNO-Policy TrendChart country report Austria. PRO INNO Europ'

2012 'Evaluation Standards for Research and Technology Policy -Standards der Evaluierung in der Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik' (hg. Gemeinsam mit Pichler, R., Sheikh, S. und Jörg, L.), FTEVAL – Plattform Forschungs- und Technologieevaluierung

2012 'ERAWATCH Analytical Country Report Austria

2012 'International Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation: Strategies for a Changing World. Report of the Expert Group established to support the further development of an EU international STI cooperation strategy' (with Schwaag-Serger, S., Remoe O. S., Arnold, E., Ujjual, V., Damianova, Z., Deketelaere, K., Edler, J., Heuser, L., Kaiser, L., Narula, R., and Veugelers, R.) , Directorate-General for Research and Innovation: EUR 25508 EN

2012 ‘White Paper on opportunities and challenges in view of enhancing the EU cooperation with Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South Caucasus in Science, Research and Innovation.’ With Bonas, G., Sonnenburg, J. et al.

2012 'The potential of transfer of bilateral R&D projects towards the European Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development' (with Wagner, I and Dall, E.), in: Loudin, J. and Hochgerner, J. (2012): Social and Cultural Dimensions of Innovation in Knowledge Societies. Filosofia: Prague, pp. 169-197

2011 ‘S&T Cooperation between the EU and Ukraine: Benefits and Barriers’. With LeGohebel, M., Pecarz, D. and Handler, K.. Foresight, Vol. 5, No. 3 (2011)

2011ERAWATCH Analytical Country Report Austria’

2011 'Foresight for EU-Russia S&T and Innovation Cooperation'. In: Baltic Rim Economies 4/2011, 21 December 2011 (with Carabias, V., Haegeman, K., Sokolov, A., Spiesberger, M., and Kouklina, I.).

2011’Das europäische Südosteuropa-Forschungsnetzwerk.' In: ZSI (Hg.): Pendeln zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis. ZSI-Beiträge zur sozialen Innovation. Austria: Forschung und Wissenschaft, Soziologie, Band 10. LIT: Wien, Berlin. S. 155-164.

2011 'Indikatoren zur Messung der Internationalisierung von Wissenschaft und Forschung'. Bericht für das BMWF.

2010’The Future of RTDI Evaluation in Southeast Europe between emergence and emergency'. In: Proceedings of the WIRE conference 2010. Week of innovative regions in Europe. Tacking stock and moving forward, pp 193-195

2010 'Country Profile Austria', ERAWATCH (

2010 Evaluating publicly co-funded RTDI programmes. Preliminary benchmarks and conclusions, FTEVAL newsletter, No. 35, March 2010, pp 34-44

2009 'Innovation Cultures – Challenge and Learning Strategy.' Edited by Loudin, J. and Schuch, K. (eds.). Filosofia: Praha

2009 ‘Embedded Innovation Cultures? MODE 1 / MODE 2 in International RTD Programmes’. In: Loudin, J. and Schuch, K. (eds.): Innovation Cultures – Challenge and Learning Strategy. Filosofia: Praha

2009 Priority Setting In a National Context: Analysis and Conclusions from the CREST OMC Working Group on the Internationalisation of R&D. In: European Commission / DG Research (eds): Research Priority Setting for International Cooperation. European Commission: Brussels, pp 11-16

2008 ‘Project Communication in International Research and Innovation Networks of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises’. In: Hochgerner, J. and Cornejová, I. (eds.): Communication in International R&D Projects. A Perspective from Social Sciences and Humanities. Brno: Barrister and Principal (together with E. Dall and D. Lampert)

2008 ‘Science and Technology in Kosovo/UNMIK’. In: Dall, E. (ed.): Science and Technology in the Western Balkans. Brno: Barrister and Principal, pp. 272-303

2007 ‘Towards the Introduction of the System of Innovation Concept in Official Development Assistance”, Proceedings from the International Conference on ‘Why Invest in Science in South Eastern Europe’, UNESCO

2006 ‘Austrian Cooperation Policy in R&D: Current State and Future Prospects’. In: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Forschung (ed.): Research and Development in South East Europe. Neuer wissenschaftlicher Verlag: Wien-Graz, pp. 215-237

2006 ‘Conclusions and Recommendations for Policy Interventions. In: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Forschung (ed.): Research and Development in South East Europe. Neuer wissenschaftlicher Verlag: Wien-Graz, pp. 229-238

2005 ‘Participation of Central Europe in the European Framework Programmes for RTD’, Guthmann-Peterson: Wien

2005 ‘The RECORD Experimental Map. Innovative Research Organisations in European Accession Countries’. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities

2004 ‘The RECORD Manual – Benchmarking Innovative Research Organisations in European Accession countries’. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities

2004 ‘Central Europe and the European Framework Programmes for RTD’, Ph.D-Thesis, Vienna: University of Vienna

2004 ‘Policy Implications of RECORD Benchmarking’ (together with P. Stanovnik), in Borsi, B. and Papanek, G. (ed.): Supporting Record Centres of Excellence: Conclusions for Policy. Budapest University of Technology and Economics: Budapest, pp. 59-72

2004 ‘Inter-Institutional RTD Co-operation between Austria and the Central European Candidate Countries under the 4th and 5th European Framework Programme for RTD’, in Borsi, B. and Papanek, G. (ed.): Supporting Record Centres of Excellence: Conclusions for Policy. Budapest University of Technology and Economics: Budapest, pp. 131 - 144

2002 ‘Scientific and technological specialisation patterns of the Central European candidate countries under the European Framework Programme for RTD’, in Devai, K; Papanek, G. and Borsi, B. (ed.): A methodology for benchmarking RTD organisations in Central and Eastern Europe’, Budapest University of Technology and Economics: Budapest, pp. 185-195

2002 ‘Dialogue on S&T between the European Union and the Russian Federation’ (ed. together with Elizabeth Bell and Leonid Gokhberg), CSRS: Moscow-Vienna (

2002 ‘Joint RTD Projects between the EU and Eastern Europe – What Does Really Matter?’, in Bell, E., Gokhberg, L. and Schuch, K. (ed.): ‘Dialogue on S&T between the European Union and the Russian Federation’, CSRS: Moscow-Vienna, pp. 133-148 (

2001 ‘Re-inventing INTAS?’, in Hentschel, U. and Burlatchuk, L. (ed.): ‘Focus Eastern Europe - Psychological and Social Determinants of Behaviour in the Transition Countries’, StudienVerlag, Innsbruck, pp. 245-255

2001 ‘Scientific and Technological Specialisation Patterns in Central Europe within European RTD Programmes’, in: Central European Quarterly, CA, Vienna

2000 „Zusammenarbeit zwischen EU-Ländern und China im europäischen Forschungsrahmenprogramm möglich“ (mit B. Lawal) in: China Nachrichten, Quartal 4/2000, Beijing

2000 „Programme zur Förderung der wissenschaftlich-technischen Kooperation zwischen der EU und Mittel- und Osteuropa“, in: Hochgerner, Josef und Höglinger, Andrea (Hg.): Forschen in Europa - Soziale Dimensionen europäischer Forschung, Guthmann Peterson, Wien

1999 „EU-Förderungen für die Wasserwirtschaft“, Schriftenreihe des Österreichischen Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverbandes, Heft 133, Wien

1999 ‘Operative problems encountered in the process of implementing the European Framework Programme for RTD in Central Europe’, Proceedings from the 3rd International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation, Austin, August - September, 30 - 2, 1999

1998 ‘Participation possibilities for female researchers in the European Framework Programme for Research, Development and Technological Demonstration’, Proceedings from the international conference ‘Women managing EU projects, Vienna, December, 3 - 4, 1998

1998 „Identifikation österreichisch-ungarischer Technologiefelder: Grundlagen für eine technologiepolitische Initiative“ (with Eva Buchinger, Christian Rammer and Tamás Zimler), Research Report, Austrian Research Centres, October 1998

1998 ‘The emergence of the European Innovation System and its impact on the Austrian S&T System’, Proceedings from the 38th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Vienna, August - September, 28 - 1, 1998

1998 ‘Structure of scientific co-operation with CEECs and NIS in European RTD programmes - the Austrian experience’, Proceedings from the 2nd International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation, Lisbon, August, 3 - 5, 1998

1998 ’Transfer of Broadband Telecommunications to Central and Eastern European Countries’ (with Thomas Zeiler), Proceedings from the Six Countries Spring Workshop, Vienna, May, 25 - 26, 1998

1998 ‘Energy related scientific co-operation with CEECs in European RTD programmes’, Proceedings from the Conference on energy co-operation, Graz, February, 19 - 20, 1998

1998 ‘Financing scientific co-operation with the NIS’ (eds. with Christiane Walcher), Proceedings from the ISCONIS-Workshop, Vienna, December, 4 - 5, 1997

1997 „Osteuropa nach der Wende. Wirtschaftliche und soziale Auswirkungen der Transformation“ (with Christian Rammer), in: GWU-Materialien 3/97, ISSN 1027-7242

1997 „Wissenschaftlich-technische Kooperation mit mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern (MOEL) im Rahmen von europäischen Forschungsprogrammen“, in: IDM-Info 1/97

1994 “Technologische und organisatorische Kompetenz österreichischer Zulieferbetriebe. Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Maschinen- und Stahlbauindustrie sowie der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie” (with Manfred M. Fischer), in: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft 136

1994 “Neue Entwicklungen in der US-amerikanischen Automobilindustrie”, in: Kritische Geographie 4, Reihe II

1994 “Die Österreichische Zulieferindustrie im Lichte des europäischen Integrationsprozesses” (with Manfred M. Fischer), WSG-RR 5, ISBN 3 85037 034 8

1994 „Good bye, Henry Ford? Paradigmenwechsel in der US- amerikanischen Wirtschaft nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg - eine regulationstheoretische Betrachtung“ (with Gottfried Menschik), in: Kritische Geographie 4, Reihe II

1993 “The regional economy of Carinthia in a frontier-region perspective” (with Petra Staufer), in: Ratti, R. und Reichmann, S. (eds.): Theory and Practice of Transborder Cooperation, Helbing & Lichtenhahn, Basel, ISBN 3 7190 1314 6

1992 “Produktionsplanung- und Steuerung als Beispiel technisch- organisatorischer Innovation. Ein Beitrag zur industriellen Paradigmendiskussion”, WSG-RR 1, ISBN 3 85037 026 7

1992 „Industrie- und technologiepolitische Infrastruktur in Österreich“ (with N. Böck, H. Gassler, W. Hesina, C. Rammer und J. Traxler), Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf

Participation at events:

Education and career:

Study of

  • geography and economics (Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde),
  • history and social sciences (Geschichte und Sozialkunde) at the University Vienna

Master Thesis: "Produktionsplanung- und Steuerung als Beispiel technisch-organisatorischer Innovation. Ein Beitrag zur industriellen Paradigmendiskussion" (1992)
Dissertation: "Central Europe and the European Framework Programmes for RTD" (2004)

since October 2014: Scientific Director and CEO of ZSI - Zentrum für Soziale Innovation / Centre for Social Innovation

2012-2014: Strategic Research Manager at ZSI - Zentrum für Soziale Innovation
since 2012: Managing Director of the Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation

2001-2012: Executive Manager and Senior Researcher at the ZSI - Zentrum für Soziale Innovation

2017-2018: Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Vienna on ‘Theory of Evaluation’ (2017/2018)

2015-2019: Lecturer at the University of Vienna on ‘Research, Technology and Development in a global perspective [Techno-globalisation]’

2012-2016: Lecturer at the Master of Social Innovation course at the Danube University Krems
2006-2015: Lecturer on "Monitoring and Evaluation of Co-operation Projects" at the study programme 'International Development' (Univ. Wien)
2006-2015: Lecturer on "Evaluation" and on "European RTD Cooperation" at the academic postgraduate course "SOQUA - professional training in social sciences"

1996-2001: Head of Unit for International Cooperation at the BIT - Büro für Internationale Forschungs- und Technologiekooperation
1993-1997: Lecturer at the Vienna University for Business Administration and Economics (WU-Wien) and at the Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz
1994-1996: Head of the branch office Sofia of the Austrian Institute of East and Southeast European Studies
1992-1994: Research fellow at the Institute of Economic and Social Geography of the WU-Wien


social media activities