Magª. Elke Dall
Section: Research Policy & Development
Function: Senior Researcher and Project Manager, ZSI Representation in Brussels
- Phone: ++43-1-495 04 42 / please reach me via skype: dall_zsi
- Fax: ++43-1-495 04 42 / 40
- Email:
- Strengthening Science Diplomacy in and for Europe through Horizon Europe (2024) (Primary Author)
- Data Collection in Citizen Science (2023)
- POLICY BRIEF Co-creating Responsible Research and Innovation activities: Experiences from the Western Balkan (2022-08-31) (Primary Author)
- Participatory Evaluation and Impact Assessment in Citizen Science (2022)
- Ethical issues in Citizen Science (2022)
- Wie kooperiert Österreich mit Nordamerika im Wissenschaftsbereich? (2022) (Primary Author)
- Recruitment of Citizen Scientists and other relevant stakeholders (2022)
- Study on Austrian actors, networks and activities in the field of science diplomacy (2021)
- Global diplomacy and cooperation in pandemic times: Lessons and recommendations from COVID-19 (2021)
- Two articles in the "Science Diplomacy Review" related to the S4D4C project (2021)
- Policy Brief: Building Better Science Diplomacy for Global Challenges: insights from the COVID-19 crisis (2020)
- Science Diplomacy in the Making: Case-based insights from the S4D4C project (2020)
- The ‘Matters’ of Science Diplomacy: Transversal Analysis of the S4D4C Case Studies (2020)
- Assignment of the second Social Innovation Assembly (2019)
- Debating Impact and Mission-Orientation of R&I Policies (2019)
- Measuring the Impact of the EU Flagships "HUMAN BRAIN PROJECT" and "GRAPHENE" (2018)
- Zwischenevaluierung “Beyond Europe”: Endbericht (2018)
- ZSI analysis of co-publication and co-patenting among countries in the Danube Region (2015)
- Dissemination Strategies and Tools for Promoting WBC Excellence and Research Collaboration (2014)
- The Eu Strategy for the Danube Region - Opportunities for some Western Balkan countries (2014)
- Cooperation Patterns in the Framework Programmes with a Focus on ICT (2014)
- Improving Project Administration and Management Capacities in the Western Balkan countries (2014)
- Mapping of Innovation Infrastructures in the Western Balkans (2014)
- R&D and Innovation in Western Balkans. Moving towards 2020 (2014) (Primary Author)
- Coordination of Research Policies with Western Balkan Countries – 6 Years of European and Regional Dialogue (2014)
- The Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan: History and Outlook (2014)
- Korea and Europe - Meeting through science, 2nd Edition (2013)
- Evaluierung der Forschungskooperationen im Rahmen der bilateralen wissenschaftlich-technischen Abkommen und Vereinbarungen (2013)
- Benchmarking of Nano-Technology Institutes in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (2012)
- Common database on national science policies towards global issues (2012)
- Continuous Collection of Conclusions of Steering Platform meetings (2012) (Primary Author)
- Knowledge Management Plan WBC-INCO.NET (2012) (Primary Author)
- Analysis of Cooperation Patterns of Western Balkan Countries in International Research Cooperation Programmes (2011)
- The Potential of Transfer of Bilateral R&D Projects towards the European Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (2011)
- Evaluating Publicly Co-funded RTDI Programmes – Preliminary Benchmarks and Conclusions (2010-03-01)
- International Benchmarking of the NCP Systems in Europe (2010)
- Evaluating Publicly Co-funded RTDI Programmes – Preliminary Benchmarks and Conclusions (2010)
- Report on Benchmarking of the National Contact Point System in the Western Balkan Countries (2009)
- Science and Technology in the Western Balkans (2008-06)
- Common methodological approach to collect information on national science policies and programmes towards global issues (2008)
- Evaluating Project Communications (2008)
- Science and Technology in the Western Balkans (2008)
- Evaluating Project Communications with Social Network Analysis (2008)
- Project Communication in International Research and Innovation Networks of Small and Medium-Sized Companies (2008)
- Project Communication Int. Research and Innovation Networks (2008)
- Communication in International R&D Projects (2008)
- Cooperation and Innovation Potentials of the Western Balkans (2007)
- CIR-CE Scientific Monitoring 2007 (2007)
- Thematic Report on Innovation Infrastructures in the Western Balkan Countries (2007)
- Science and Technology Country Report Bosnia and Herzegovina (2006)
- Science and Technology Country Report Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (2006)
- Science and Technology Country Report Montenegro (2006)
- Science and Technology Country Report Serbia (2006)
- The CETRA Project (2006)
- CIR-CE Scientific Monitoring 2006 (2006)
- National R&D Strategies of the Various Countries in Focus (2006)
- Science and Technology Country Report Albania (2006)
- Research and Development in South East Europe (2006)
- Science and Technology Country Report Croatia (2006)
- Case Studies of Conditions and Success Criteria in Media Literacy Education (2005)
- Die Schnittstelle zwischen Sozialhilfe und Arbeitsmarkt (2003)
Work and research focus:
Elke is a senior expert on science and innovation policy, internationalisation and science diplomacy. She joined ZSI in 2003 and has been representing ZSI in Brussels since February 2018. Between 2007 and 2016 she was Head of Unit “Research Policy and Development” and Board Member at ZSI. From October 2016 to February 2018, she acted as Policy Officer with a focus on Stakeholder Engagement at the COST Administration.
Elke studied Sociology at the University of Vienna and has a background in research on networked organisations, quantitative and qualitative evaluation and in the field of S&T and innovation policy analysis. At the Centre for Social Innovation, she is deeply involved in projects funded by the European Commission related to international research and innovation cooperation. She deals with analytical aspects of cooperation between the European Union and other countries and regions worldwide and is the founding chair of the "European Union Science Diplomacy Alliance". She focuses on policy recommendations, mutual learning and the development of pathways to impact. Her regional experience includes in particular the Western Balkan and Danube region, but also Eastern Partnership, North as well as Central and Latin America, Asia and global cooperation based on science diplomacy for addressing global challenges. She is also experienced in stakeholder engagement and co-creation methods.
Currently, she coordinates the project POLICY ANSWERS focusing on R&I policy support for the Western Balkans.
Among other activities, Elke also taught in several post-graduate and graduate courses, mainly about the EU RTDI funding possibilities and project management, and she is actively involved in RTDI strategy development and policy dialogue with a particular focus on widening and spreading excellence.
Focus areas:
- Research and innovation policy and potentials, internationalisation, science diplomacy
- Impact monitoring and facilitation, evaluation
- Research and innovation addressing global challenges
- Geographical focus on South-East Europe / Western Balkans
Running and completed projects:
- GSF-22 - European Framework for Science Diplomacy (2025)
- SHER - Sustainable Higher Education and Research in Kosovo (2024)
- GSF-12-ESDA - European Science Diplomacy Agenda (2023)
- GSF - Service Facility in Support of the Global Approach of Research and Innovation (2023)
- GSF-01-MLD - Support to the multilateral dialogue on principles and values for international cooperation in research and innovation (2022)
- MSCAdvocacy - International Advocacy for the Strategic Alignment of MSCA Cooperation Mechanisms in Key Partner Countries and Regions (2022)
- POLICY ANSWERS - R&I POLICY making, implementation ANd Support in the WEsteRn BalkanS (2022, project leader)
- AT-Nordamerika - Kooperationen in Lehre und Forschung zwischen Österreich und Nordamerika (2021, project leader)
- EU4TECH PoC - Western Balkans Proof of Concept Scheme (2021)
- WBC-RRI.NET - Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems (2021, project leader)
- Step Change - Science Transformation in EuroPe through Citizens involvement in HeAlth, coNservation and enerGy rEsearch (2021)
- GEP at UNIBL - Gender Equality Plan at the University of Banja Luka (2021, project leader)
- SD-Studie AT - Studie zur österreichischen Wissenschaftsdiplomatie (2021, project leader)
- IntelComp - A Competitive Intelligence Cloud/HPC Platform for AI-based STI Policy Making (2021)
- Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize (2020)
- LEAP-RE - Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy (2020)
- KNoC - ISF Support to the Knowledge Network on China (2020)
- EU-SPI - Pilot Project on the Social Progress Index (2018, project leader)
- PSF Peer Review Estonia (2018)
- Evaluierung des 'Beyond Europe' Programms (2018)
- S4D4C - Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges (2018, project leader)
- ISF EU-Canada Programme Level Cooperation Task Force (2017)
- ISF - Service Facility in Support of the Strategic Development of International Cooperation in Research and Innovation (2017)
- ADVANSE quality assurance - External quality assurance of Erasmus+ project on university management in Southeast Asia (2016)
- BILAT USA 4.0 - Bilateral Coordination for the Enhancement and Development of STI Partnerships between the EU and the USA (2016)
- SIC - Social Innovation Community (2016)
- ESASTAP2020 - Strengthening Technology, Research and Innovation Cooperation between Europe and South Africa 2020 (2016)
- FAITH coaching - Inter-project coaching for FAITH ("Increasing the Financial Autonomy and Accountability in public higher education institutions in Kosova" (2016, project leader)
- SiA - Science in Asylum (2016)
- PSF - Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (2015)
- FFM - Fact Finding Mission Westbalkan (2015)
- Turkey in HORIZON 2020 (2015)
- Beyond Europe Informationsplattform (2015)
- - Information Platform | Western Balkan Countries | Research, Technology, Innovation (2015)
- PREF - Analysis of national public research funding (2015)
- TAIPI - Tools and Actions for Impact Assessment and Policy makers Information (2015)
- Danube-INCO.NET (2014, project leader)
- ERA-Can+ (2013)
- BESTPRAC - The Voice of Research Administrators (2013, project leader)
- MIRRIS-Mobilising Institutional Reforms in Research and Innovation Systems (2013)
- DANube macroregion: Capacity building and Excellence in River Systems (basin, delta and sea) (DANCERS) (2013)
- European Innovation Scoreboard (2013)
- ALCUE NET (2012)
- WBCInno (2012)
- Higher KOS (2011)
- FORSEE (2011)
- Evaluation "Higher Education in BiH" + "Quality Assurance in BiH's Higher Education" (2010)
- Kapazitätsaufbau und institutioneller Aufbau in Wissenschaft und Forschung in Bosnien-Herzegowina Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening... (2009)
- WINS-ICT - Western Balkan countries INCO-NET Support in the field of ICT (2009)
- KORANET - Korean Scientific Cooperation Network with the European Research Area (2009)
- GLOBAL - Global Linkage Over BroadbAnd Links (2008)
- EULARINET - European Union-Latin American Research and Innovation NETworks (2008)
- IncoNet EECA - S&T International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asia (2008)
- WBC-INCO.NET (2008)
- Wissenschaftliche Begleitung des CIR-CE Programmes (Co-operation in Innovation and Research with Central and Eastern Europe) (2007)
- Information Office (2006, project leader)
- SEE-Innovation - Facilitating innovation for ICT SMEs in South Eastern Europe (2005)
- IS2WEB - Extending Information Society Networks to the Western Balkan Region (2005)
- Monitoring der Ausschreibung "Co-operation in Innovation and Research with Central and Eastern Europe" (2005)
- sozialwissenschaftliche Berufsausbildung: SOQUA 2005-2016 (2005)
- Schwerpunkte in Forschung und Entwicklung in Ländern Südosteuropas (2005)
- CETRA - Complexity Education for Trainers (2004, project leader)
- SEE-ERA.NET (2004)
- European Centre for Media Literacy (2004, project leader)
- Prolearn-G (2004, project leader)
- ProLearn (2004)
- Machbarkeitsstudie-grenzüberschreitender Beschäftigungspakt (2003)
- Studie "Schnittstelle Sozialhilfe - Arbeitsmarkt in Wien" (2003)
- Lokale Agenda 21-Prozesse in Österreich: Neue Formen partizipativer Demokratie? (2002)
Participation at events:
2025 MCAA Annual Conference and General Assembly
- Krakow, Poland
21. 03. 2025 - 20. 03. 2025 -
Smart Specialisation in EU Enlargement Countries
13. 03. 2025 - 13. 03. 2025 -
Meeting of the Western Balkans Steering Platform on Research and Innovation
- online
12. 02. 2025 - 12. 02. 2025 -
MSCA Success Stories from the Western Balkans
- online
07. 11. 2024 - 07. 11. 2024 -
The role of Southeast Europe How to maintain, build, and interconnect research and innovation infrastructures in Europe?
- Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (UKIM)
01. 10. 2024 - 01. 10. 2024 -
Cohesion Summit 2024
- Budapest, Hungary
18. 04. 2024 - 18. 04. 2024 -
Step Change at the ECSA Conference
- Wien
03. 04. 2024 - 06. 04. 2024 -
Sustaining Responsible Research and Innovation in the Western Balkan
- Macedonian Academy of Sciences & Arts, Boulevard Krste Petkov Misirkov, 2, Skopje
08. 02. 2024 - 09. 02. 2024 -
Steering Platform on Research and Innovation ...
- online
31. 01. 2024 - 31. 01. 2024 -
Webinar on “Spreading Citizen Science in the Western Balkans”
- online
17. 01. 2024 - 17. 01. 2024 -
Mutual Learning Exchange on ''Challenges and experiences of multi/inter/trans – disciplinary in CSI collaboration''
- online
19. 12. 2023 - 19. 12. 2023 -
1st European Science Diplomacy Conference
- Madrid and online
18. 12. 2023 - 19. 12. 2023 -
Embedding RRI into the Green Agenda in Western Balkans
- Tirana and online
11. 10. 2023 - 13. 10. 2023 -
Policy Dialogue on Aligning Priorities in the Western Balkans
- Sarajevo
13. 09. 2023 - 13. 09. 2023 -
Open Science, Innovation and Smart Specialisation
- Ohrid, North Macedonia
03. 07. 2023 - 04. 07. 2023 -
Training of Serbian Social Scientists
- online, Serbia
14. 06. 2023 - 14. 06. 2023 -
25th Steering Group Meeting of Priority Area "Knowledge Society" of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- Bratislava
02. 06. 2023 - 02. 06. 2023 -
Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2023
19. 04. 2023 - 21. 04. 2023 -
Successful Gender Equality Plans: Sharing experiences from the Western Balkans
- online
04. 04. 2023 - 04. 04. 2023 -
Workshop on Gender Equality and Inclusiveness
- online
04. 04. 2023 - 04. 04. 2023 -
Meeting of the Western Balkans Steering Platforms ... (online)
- online
29. 03. 2023 - 29. 03. 2023 -
POLICY ANSWERS Workshop on Anticipatory Science Advice in the Western Balkans
- Podgorica
13. 03. 2023 - 14. 03. 2023 -
ENRICH GLOBAL General Assembly
- online
01. 03. 2023 - 01. 03. 2023 -
The Past, Present & Future of the EU Science Diplomacy Alliance
- Cordoba and online
23. 02. 2023 - 23. 02. 2023 -
Meeting of the Western Balkans Steering Platforms ...
- Skopje
15. 02. 2023 - 16. 02. 2023 -
Thinking, Debating, and Shaping Science Diplomacy
- Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) of the European Commission
25. 01. 2023 - 25. 01. 2023 -
OpenScience Communication conference in Belgrade (Nov. 24-25)
- Belgrade, Serbia
24. 11. 2022 - 25. 11. 2022 -
WBC-RRI.NET Open Science and Open Access event
- Banja Luka, BiH
22. 09. 2022 - 22. 09. 2022 -
Thematic meeting of the network of Research Managers and Administrators
- Belgrade, Serbia
06. 09. 2022 - 07. 09. 2022 -
European Science Open Forum 2022
- online
16. 07. 2022 - 16. 07. 2022 -
Kick-off meeting of the POLICY ANSWERS project
- Vienna
14. 04. 2022 - 15. 04. 2022 -
Responsible Research and Innovation – a requirement for excellence in research
- hybrid, Novi Sad and zoom
07. 04. 2022 - 07. 04. 2022 -
Western Balkan Working Group on R&I and Open Science
- online
04. 02. 2022 - 04. 02. 2022 -
Training on "Internal and External Communication in Citizen Science"
- online
02. 02. 2022 - 02. 02. 2022 -
Diplomacy on Stage
- online
02. 12. 2021 - 02. 12. 2021 -
Participatory Evaluation in Citizen Science
- Krems, hybrid and online
27. 09. 2021 - 29. 09. 2021 -
Science Diplomacy Training for COST researchers
- online
21. 09. 2021 - 21. 10. 2021 -
"Gender Equality Plan Development ...
- zoom
02. 07. 2021 - 02. 07. 2021 -
A Competitive Intelligence Cloud/HPC Platform for AI-based STI policy making
- online
27. 04. 2021 - 27. 04. 2021 -
S4D4C Final Networking conference
- online
15. 03. 2021 - 19. 03. 2021 -
Science Diplomacy in the Mediterranean
- onlin
15. 12. 2020 - 16. 12. 2020 -
EU SPI Index Launch event
- virtual
02. 12. 2020 - 02. 12. 2020 -
S4D4C at the European Research Days 2020
- online
27. 11. 2020 - 27. 11. 2020 -
Virtual EARMA/BESTPRAC meeting on research management and administration
- online
25. 11. 2020 - 26. 11. 2020 -
ZSI organises discussion on European and Canadian science diplomacy
- virtual
16. 11. 2020 - 16. 11. 2020 -
Demography and ageing in the EU-SPI
- virtual
06. 10. 2020 - 06. 10. 2020 -
Science Diplomacy: S4D4C Interactive Webinar Series
- virtual
01. 10. 2020 - 17. 12. 2020 -
European Science Open Forum - ESOF2020 Trieste
- Trieste and virtual
02. 09. 2020 - 06. 09. 2020 -
Work and Employment - Possible Inputs to EU-SPI
- online
01. 07. 2020 - 01. 07. 2020 -
S4D4C webinars on the European Science Diplomacy Online Course
- online
30. 06. 2020 - 02. 07. 2020 -
Virtual Peer Learning event "Immigration, immigrants and social progress"
- online
27. 05. 2020 - 27. 05. 2020 -
World Science Forum 2019 in Budapest
20. 11. 2019 - 24. 11. 2019 -
S4D4C’s 2nd Networking Meeting - Berlin
- Berlin
10. 10. 2019 - 10. 10. 2019 -
Measuring what matters: multilevel governance in European regions
- P5, Umea
18. 09. 2019 - 18. 09. 2019 -
Social Innovation Assembly I
- online
28. 06. 2019 - 28. 06. 2019 -
Eu-SPRI 2019
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7 00185 Roma and Centro Congressi Frentani Srl Via dei Frentani, 4 00185 Roma
05. 06. 2019 - 07. 06. 2019 -
Discussing science diplomacy with Marie Curie Alumnis
- Paris, France
20. 05. 2019 - 20. 05. 2019 -
ESASTAP2020 event on EU-South Africa R&I cooperation
- Brussels, European Commission – Rue Philippe Le Bon 1-3 / Meeting room 4.56
12. 04. 2019 - 12. 04. 2019 -
Kick-off meeting of the EU-SPI Pilot project
- Committee of the Regions, Brussels
08. 02. 2019 - 08. 02. 2019 -
S4D4C’s 1st Global Networking Meeting
- Madrid
12. 12. 2018 - 14. 12. 2018 -
Conference on Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities for a European Research Agenda
- Vienna
28. 11. 2018 - 29. 11. 2018 -
Horizon 2020 Training events in the Western Balkan Countries
21. 09. 2018 - 23. 12. 2018 -
European Science Open Forum (ESOF) 2018
- Toulouse, France
09. 07. 2018 - 12. 07. 2018 -
Summer School: Innovation in the Public Sector.
- San Sebastian, Basque Country
27. 06. 2018 - 29. 06. 2018 -
MLE on Widening Participation and Strengthening Synergies
- Dublin
22. 03. 2018 - 23. 03. 2018 -
Danube Region: Mother Tongue - a movie
- Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Linke Wienzeile 246, A-1150 Wien
01. 07. 2016 - 01. 07. 2016 -
Danube-INCO.NET Workshop on ERA and Innovation Union
- Chisinau, Moldova
23. 06. 2016 - 23. 06. 2016 -
EARMA Annual Conference 2016
- Luleå, Sweden
20. 06. 2016 - 23. 06. 2016 -
IncoNet EaP Summer School 2016
- Vienna/Austria
13. 06. 2016 - 17. 06. 2016 -
Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan countries
- Sarajevo, BiH
07. 06. 2016 - 07. 06. 2016 -
Better exploiting European funds for Research and Innovation
- Representation of the “Lazio Region in Brussels” Rond Point Schuman, 14, Brussels, Belgium
26. 05. 2016 - 26. 05. 2016 -
Aktuelle Beteiligungs- und Fördermöglichkeiten donauraum-relevanter Themen und Netzwerke
- Haus der Forschung, Wien
22. 04. 2016 - 22. 04. 2016 -
Advancing scientific co-operation and networking in the Danube Region
- Novi Sad
05. 04. 2016 - 05. 04. 2016 -
BILAT USA 4.0 kick-off
- Brussels
15. 03. 2016 - 16. 03. 2016 -
Workshop for 'enlargement countries' (WBCs and Turkey) on EU acquis on Research and Innovation (chapter 25)
- Brussels, Belgium
10. 03. 2016 - 11. 03. 2016 -
2016 Annual Meeting of the network of National Contact Points of the Joint Research Centre (JRC)
- JRC Ispra site, Via E. Fermi 2749, I-21027 Ispra,
03. 03. 2016 - 04. 03. 2016 -
Smart Specialisation Design Learning Workshop for non-EU countries
- Chisinau (Moldova)
18. 02. 2016 - 19. 02. 2016 -
WBCInno - 7th Steering Committee Meeting to be held at ZSI premises
- Vienna
08. 02. 2016 - 09. 02. 2016 -
Understanding and Tackling the Migration Challenge: The Role of Research
- Brussels, Belgium
04. 02. 2016 - 05. 02. 2016 -
Paving the way for joint actions in the Danube Region: 2nd Stakeholders Workshop of Danube-INCO.NET
- Ulm, Germany
30. 10. 2015 - 30. 10. 2015 -
The way forward in aligning transnational R&I funding and activities in the Danube Region
- Ulm
30. 10. 2015 - 30. 10. 2015 -
Training for Financial Project Managers
- Belgrade
25. 10. 2015 - 26. 10. 2015 -
Kick-off event of the Danube Transnational Programme
- Budapest
23. 09. 2015 - 24. 09. 2015 -
Presentations at the EARMA 2015 conference on Global Outreach
- Leiden
28. 06. 2015 - 01. 07. 2015 -
"Opportunities in Science and Innovation Collaboration between Canada & Austria"
- Fechtsaal, Freyung 3, 1010 Wien
09. 06. 2015 - 09. 06. 2015 -
Danube-INCO.NET workshop: synergies in R&I programmes
- Institute of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Bérc street 13-15, 1016 Budapest, Hungary
08. 06. 2015 - 09. 06. 2015 -
17th Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries
- Budapest, Hungary
08. 06. 2015 - 09. 06. 2015 -
ZSI in Ukraine: Fostering the participation of Danube region stakeholders in Horizon 2020 with a special focus on SMEs
- Ukrainian National Academy of Science, Conference Hall, Vladimirskaya, 55, Kiev, Ukraine
23. 04. 2015 - 23. 04. 2015 -
16th Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries
- Trieste
24. 09. 2014 - 24. 09. 2014 -
Project Danube-INCO.NET with public presentation in Vienna
26. 06. 2014 - 27. 06. 2014 -
WBC-INCO.NET: "Towards 2020: New Horizons for RTD and Innovation in the Western Balkan Region” – WBC-INCO.NET
- Tech Gate Vienna, Donau-City-Straße 1, 1220 Wien, Österreich
27. 03. 2014 - 28. 03. 2014 -
13th Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries
- Belgrade
06. 12. 2012 - 06. 12. 2012 -
12th Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries
- Tirana
11. 06. 2012 - 14. 06. 2012 -
11th Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries
- Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
29. 11. 2011 - 02. 12. 2011 -
Challenge Social Innovation
- Vienna
19. 09. 2011 - 21. 09. 2011 -
Veranstaltungsserie zur Kooperation...
- Ohrid (Mazedonien)
21. 05. 2011 -
Westbalkan Science Day: Vernetzung zwischen ForscherInnen
- Palais Eschenbach, Eschenbachgasse 11, 1010 Wien
22. 06. 2009 -
Why Invest in Science in South Eastern Europe? International Conference and High Level Round Table
- Ljubljana, Slovenia
28. 09. 2006 - 29. 09. 2006 -
UNESCO-CEI Workshop on Information Literacy Initiatives in Central and South East European Countries
- Ljubljana, Slovenia
27. 03. 2006 - 28. 03. 2006 -
VII. Bled Forum on Europe - Foresight Conference on Global, European and Regional Governance
- Bled, Slovenia
03. 03. 2006 - 04. 03. 2006 -
World Summit on the Information Society
- Wien / Tunis
16. 11. 2005 - 18. 11. 2005 -
Fit für das digitale Zeitalter!
- Wien, Festsaal des bm:bwk, Freyung 1
21. 10. 2005 -
Schauen was ´rauskommt (5. Jahrestagung der ÖFEB)
- Linz
29. 09. 2005 - 01. 10. 2005 -
Innovation Cultures. Challenge and Learning Strategy
- Prag
02. 06. 2005 - 04. 06. 2005 -
ecml - "Media Skills and Competence" Konferenz
- Tampere, Finnland
26. 05. 2005 - 27. 05. 2005